The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I can see you right now in the kitchen, bending over a hot stove. But I can't see the stove." - Groucho Marx, "Duck Soup"

quinnQuinn Cummings was the adorable little girl who played daughter Lucy to Marsha Mason in The Goodbye Girl. For her incredible performance at the age of ten, she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She later went on to star in the TV series Family. More recently she has carved out a successful career for herself as an inventor (all you mothers out there can thank her for the HipHugger) and now as a professional author. During my visit to Los Angeles on Saturday, July 11, 2009, I was pleased to learn that Quinn would be doing a book signing at Vroman’s Books for her new book Notes From the Underwire, a wonderful memoir of observationist tales about a variety of silly things that she has encountered  (and done) during her everyday life. 

I hadn’t read the book going in – and honestly really didn’t have any plans to –  but after hearing her live reading of the first chapter, which described the events that had unfolded after she ran her nose smack into a plate-glass window, it was not only clear that this would be a book that I would enjoy – but also that Quinn hadn’t lost one ounce of her endearing comedic delivery and sparkling personality. 


Reading Chapter 1, eliciting much laughter from the crowd

She took a few questions and answers after the reading and then went right into the book signing. The crowd wasn’t huge so Bob and I decided to wait at the back of the line in hopes of having her sign a couple of photos from The Goodbye Girl that we had picked up earlier that day – while not taking up any extra time for the other fans waiting in line. My, aren’t we thoughtful.


Quinn meets her public, as shady as they may be


Signing the new tome


Gee, I demand a lot of attention!

Quinn was very kind (and I might add still quite adorable) and was more than willing to sign our photos in addition to her book. I plan to bring the new book along with me on my upcoming Myrtle Beach trip. It is just the kind of relaxing brain fodder that one would enjoy while listening to the soothing sounds of the ocean. Highly recommended.


Quinn Cummings with Marsha Mason in The Goodbye Girl

Quinn often enjoys answering questions from fans – so here’s one from me: Besides me, what is the strangest encounter you’ve ever had with a fan?

Return to Saturday in California

3 Responses to “Quinn Cummings – Straight From the Underwire”

  1. Cool – just want to add that Quinn has a delightful blog, the QC Report, at – although since the book’s release most of the entries deal with, well, the book’s release. But you can comb through the archives for some delightful stories.

    Sara J .Henry

  2. She invented the ‘Hip Hugger’ really? Had no idea…


  3. I just saw your email and I’m so sorry I missed this before! Since this question didn’t come in as an email, it didn’t get into the list. I’m so sorry, but I had to create a cut-off date and four weeks was it. Thanks so much for coming out to the reading and thanks for your kind words!


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