The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Don't touch me, I'm sterile." - Ed Norton, "The Honeymooners"

gb9Most of my adventures are rather tame. It doesn’t take a lot of gumption to drive to a Presidential Library, eat at a Hard Rock, or go through customs. But on Monday, July 27, 2009, I enjoyed a little bit more thrilling adventure – which although I admit had a very low danger-level, it did have a bit of a nausea-factor. Mom, Bob, Denise, Ashleigh, Briana, and I went parasailing over the Atlantic Ocean.

That morning, we all got up and ready and headed from our Myrtle Beach Links condo over to the Windy Shores II condo, where Bev & Ed and Karen & Joe and their kids were staying. One of the events we had hoped to do on this trip was to pay the $45 and hire one of those outfits to take us out on a boat and send us up into the sky via parachute. I had no idea what this would entail, thinking it might be a fast boat that would slowly elevate you from the water to the sky. I really just had no clue what to expect. But I was game.


Megan and Adam get cozy on the Links patio


Bob and Adam on this fine Monday morning


Mom and Megan (and Bob’s reflection; he’s apparently not a vampire after all)

So upon our arrival around noon, we immediately went down to the hot sand on the beach and inquired as to when our ‘flights’ would be available. It was getting windy out and they were going to be wrapping up their services for the morning – unless we could gather everyone and get out on the next boat. Before I knew what was happening, we were being whisked into life jackets and forced out into a small motorized raft-sort-of-thing.

Since I had no preparation or inclination what was to come, I made two mistakes. The first is that I was still wearing my sandals trying to walk through the ocean. The second, and much more crucial, was that I had my camera with me – with nothing to protect it from the salty sea water that we were being doused with as we literally jumped the waves and headed out to the larger boat in the ocean. I had nightmare visions of losing my camera and all of the unsaved pictures that I had taken on the way down to South Carolina.

I shoved it deep into my swimming suit pocket and held my hand tightly over it, using my other hand to hold on for dear life so that I wasn’t popped overboard on the rough waters. Consequently, much of the salt water splashed in my face and mouth and I was hardly able to wipe it away since I had no free hands. This was what I think made me rather nauseous. So far this wasn’t turning out to be a good experience.

But as they say, all was well that ended well. As soon as we got to the big boat, my camera was out of danger (and still worked!). We went up in the parachute two at a time. They insisted on the configuration to get a proper weight balance, with Denise and Bob going first, then Mom and Briana, and finally Ashleigh and me.


Denise and Bob get high


Mom, Yaht, me, and Little B – as we prepare to be thrilled


Mom and Briana’s turn to aim for the skies


The so-called perfect landing

I won’t say that it was thrilling or extremely exciting but it was fun to be up in the dead quiet air, some 200 feet above the water, just quietly floating above the world. Our view was mostly of the water below (which isn’t clear enough to see any sea life) and the boat. If we turned around, we could see the beach and the condo. After about fifteen minutes, they lowered us to the ground. The surfer dudes on board made a big deal about how great Mom and Briana’s landing was. Ashleigh and I being the competitive kiddos that we are tried for one equally as graceful. We came close, but ultimately wasn’t crowned with the official surfer approval.


Getting strapped in by surfer dude


Ready to ascend


Here we go…off to Neverland!


No turning back now


Parasailing over the Atlantic – with the peaceful city of Myrtle Beach on the horizon


With the almost-seaworthy craft that took us out to and returned us from our parasailing vessel


Mom and  Bob and the Myrtle Beach shoreline

We swam in the Windy Shores pool with Bev’s family for a while before heading back to the Links. Incidentally, I’ve mentioned before how nostalgic it always is to visit the Windy Shores as this was where our family stayed during periodic trips to Myrtle Beach in the late 1980’s and early 90’s. Around 3pm, we headed back to the Links after a couple hours of swimming and laying out.


With my old Windy Shores home


Bev, Allie, and Abby and the wild waters of the Windy Shores


Mom and Karen soak up the rays and give Megan one of her first swimming experiences


We’re not sure who put Bob in time-out


Briana and Ashleigh and much squirt gun fun

I spent a leisurely afternoon with my iPod and laptop, enjoying the smooth jives of Panic at the Disco and the ever-engrossing world of Facebook. Mom went shopping again to pick up any last minute things we needed for the evening.

The Eds came over for a cookout that night and we had an amazing dinner that included steak, hot dogs, au gratin potatoes, spaghetti casserole, strawberry shortcake, and ice cream. Naturally, the food was wonderful – so much in fact that I was a bit over-zealous with my steak and bit right through the tip of my tongue. It was a bleeder, but fortunately seemed to heal quickly. By the next morning, there was scarcely a remnant of my stupidity.


Mom, Bev, Ed, and Adam enjoy the cookout yum-yums


Dutch tilt burger madness ’09


The injury


After-dinner tickles


Megan and Ashleigh enjoy the serene Myrtle Beach evening

I played ping-pong with Briana again that night. I won two out of three games again, but I must say that kid really put me through the ringer. She’s an awesome player and it was only by whipping out my very dirtiest serves that I was able to remain the victor.

It had been a nice, relaxing, and fun-filled couple of days at the condo – but I was going to be heading out the next morning to see new things, new cities, and an old friend.

To be continued

One Response to “Parasailing Over the Atlantic”

  1. That looks like SOOOO much fun!!! What a great family adventure…KUDOS and thanks for sharing. 🙂


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