The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Those aren't pillows!" - Neil Page, "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"

bobcline2.jpgJust one day before the world’s tongues were abuzz about the untimely death of super-whatever Anna Nicole Smith, a man of infinitely more character and wisdom passed away on February 7, 2007. Bob Cline was my Dad’s first cousin, being the son of my Grandma Range’s brother Ira. As far as I recall, I never got the chance to meet Bob. I had talked about making the trek to his hometown of Evansville, Indiana on several occasions to visit with him, but like many things we plan to do, it never happened.

The reason I had wanted to meet with him is because he had called me several times in an effort to get acquainted. My Dad’s other cousin Arline kept in close contact with Bob, and would often relate to him tales of what I was up to – namely as I published issues of my Laurel and Hardy newsletter Dante’s Info. After she told me this, I began to send him issues directly, to which he responded by sending me clippings, articles, and calling me occasionally to chat. It is ironic that one of the first people to send me a note of congratulations on the ‘publishing’ of my earlier newsletter Told in the Whole was Bob’s father Ira (and wife Mildred).


My Dad with Bob in November 2004

Bob was born on November 2, 1921 in Dayton and went to high school in my current hometown. He seved our country in WWII as a pilot in the Air Force and spent much of his time in later years writing and lecturing on his experiences. Most importantly, he was characterized by his unfailing courtesy, a trait passed on from his parents and their generation of siblings.

I wish I had found time to make it to Evansville…

Continue with 2007…

One Response to “Bob Cline”

  1. Thanks for the great article about Bob!

    Bob (Robert) M. Cline, a very special church family member of mine, is also listed in the National WWII Memorial’s Registry at:

    (1.) Click on REGISTRY in the left column menu
    (2.) then Click on “SEARCH THE REGISTRY” from the top menu
    (3.) Then enter last name, CLINE; first name, ROBERT; state, IN.

    You should see two names that appear, and Robert M. Cline is “this” Bob.

    The site is currently being updated and will soon include a photo and additional information from Bob’s Memoirs.

    Cheryl (Cheri) Juergens

    Cheryl Juergens

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