The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Whoops! I just took the square root of it." - Harely Estin, "Newhart"

reagan.jpgI used to make fun of Ronald Reagan at the time he was President, but what did I know at that time? I was young and I thought he was old, slow, and phony – what else could a former actor be? I just finished listening to the Audio CD version of his biographical An American Life last week and confirmed what I’d come to suspect later in life: Reagan was a great guy.

My parents always supported Jimmy Carter and so I did as well. My admiration for Carter hasn’t wavered in the slightest as you can probably tell by my numerous postings about him. But I think Reagan did an outstanding job in manipulating our economic policies and restoring confidence in the government in the 1980’s after his defeat of Carter. His peace talks also paved the way for the end of the Cold War, realized under the regime of George Bush.

reagan2.jpgThis book is read by President Reagan himself and covers his entire career with a heavy emphasis on his Presidential years. Those wanting to hear more about his movie career will be disappointed, when his description of his invovement with motion pictures is nearly shorter than his proclamation of how much he loves to ride horses. Since this version is abridged, it will be interesting to check out the actual book and see if the written biography has more information to balance his earlier careers.

At times, Reagan goes a bit overboard on explanations and defenses of his policies, but that is quibbling. He speaks in the familiar, comforting voice that he addressed Americans with for eight years – and does do a great job of outlining his administration’s actions and goals. I’d give this audiobook a 7/10.

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