The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Thank you, toilet bowl" - Bill Cosby, "Bill Cosby: Himself"

1myr.jpgThe answer of course: our Myrtle Beach trip from the Summer of 2006, and the activities of Wednesday, August 2 and Thursday, August 3. 

After the brain-smashing evening at the Pavilion and Haunted House, we were ready to kick back the next morning with some relaxing swimming time. This was only interrupted by the cornhole tournament where Ashleigh finally secured her victory – and thus her trophy. You can read more about that here


As the sun began to fall, we hopped out of the pool and headed out on one of our standard Myrtle Beach trips to a Japanese steakhouse. We ate heartily and even had some leftovers. For some reason, the food put Ashleigh and Briana in the mood to snap some ridiculous photos, one of which is included below along with our one and only group shot of the entire trip.



On Thursday morning, we again rolled out of bed and landed headlong into the swimming pool – where we also enjoyed a nice cookout where we each got free hotdogs and chips. This was followed by yet another tournament – this time one of pool. Ashleigh and Briana did well but did not advance to the finals. I was in the finals but lost miserably. This always annoys me because I typically could have won a game on a table of this size in one shot. I missed several easy, key shots that could have garnered me the victory. Oh well, what did I care? We all had our trophies already…



Next: Thursday night at Barefoot Landing…and the tigers…and the shoe store…and the mirrors…

2 Responses to “What Do Swimming, Japanese Food, and Billiards Have In Common?”

  1. I seem to remember a Myrtle Beach trip five years ago, or so. We went to a Japanese steakhouse where I was hit in the face by a bowl thrown by our chef. Then we went to Broadway at the Beach where a number of us had to make about three restroom breaks. Then we had to stop and buy toilet paper on the way back to the condo.
    Oh yeah, and I won the pool tournament that year. Sucka.

    Chris Tangeman

  2. Actually, you were also hit in the face with a shrimp after the bowl by the same chef. Good times!

    Carolyn Gelm

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