The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Hey Wally, when did life get so tough?" - Beaver, "Still the Beaver"

Okay, here’s someone I never expected to meet and probably would have never sought out. His name is Joe Dallesandro and I would guess that most of you have never heard of him. He was, however, one of the most famous male sex symbols of American undergound films and the gay subculure of the 1960’s and 70’s. Dallesandro was one of the so-called Warhol superstars, which was a group of ‘personalities’ promoted by artist Andy Warhol.

The film Flesh, which starred Joe Dallesandro in the leading role was declared the ‘best film of the year’ by Rolling Stone magazine in 1970. Personally I have never seen the Warhol-produced film…and frankly have no desire to. But what interested me about Dallesandro was that a photo from this film was used as the front cover of the iconic debut self-titled album The Smiths.

So that’s it. As you are probably all aware, The Smiths are one of my Big Seven bands, and thus worthy of extreme acts of insanity. For $15, Joe Dallesandro signed my CD cover of The Smiths and posed for a picture with me during his appearance at the July 18, 2009 Hollywood Show – fortunately with flesh unexposed.

Continue to the next celebrity of the Summer 2009 Hollywood Show…

One Response to “Flesh”

  1. I’m not at all uncomfortable with this entry. For $30 do you think he would’ve posed with you shirtless?

    Eric Hubble

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