The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?" - Taggart, "Blazing Saddles"

Having conquered the world of 1949 Hudsons, Dad decided to move on to a much hipper classic hot rod in May of 1981. We had joined the Gem City Classics Classic Chevy Club at the end of 1980, attending the Christmas banquet as our first meeting – and it wasn’t long before Dad got the itch to join the ranks of classic Chevy (defined as 1955, 1956, or 1957) owners. For the tidy sum of $1800 he purchased a 1957 Chevrolet Two Ten, and when winter rolled around again that year, he began restoring it.

By Spring of 1982, we were the proud ownes of our own beautiful ’57 Chevy (as seen following restoration at the top of the posting). Our first outing to show off the car was a regional car show in Columbus. Although mostly faithful to the original parts and pieces, Dad did install a modern-day cassette tape deck inside the glove box. We would alternate between listening to songs from the ’50’s or sections or Laurel and Hardy dialogue captured from the films, recorded from (coincidentally enough) old Mark 56 records.

The Chevy in its original state. It had its original green paint job when we got it, and Dad was relatively faithful to the color

Denise and the new old car

A nice rainy day for restoration – the Chevy and our next acquisition, the 1969 Corvette

Dad still owns this Chevy and back in 2007, he began restoring it again. He completed it in the Spring of 2009 – this time dramatically changing the color and look of the car.

Dad and the Chevy in March 2009

1981 will continue

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