The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Don't you think you're bounding over your steps?" - Stan Laurel, "The Music Box"

I was particularly interested in getting a photo take with Spin and Marty so that I could share it with my Dad. I know the power of nostaligic TV shows from one’s childhood and the serial installments of The Adventures of Spin and Marty on the Mickey Mouse Club were a major one for him. Although I own the Walt Disney Treasure DVD (in the collector tin) of the first of three seasons of their series, I have only had time to watch a few of them. Obviously though, as die-hard Disney buff and aficionado, I had enough interest in having Bob pick up a dual signed photo of the boys’ team when they had made a rare joint appearance at a Hollywood Collectors Show.

I had always hoped to meet this pair, who were not only famous for their roles in this series, but had some other interesting credits as well. Tim Considine (Spin) also played Frank Hardy in the Walt Disney Hardy Boys series and oldest son Mike Douglas in My Three Sons. Other Disney works include Swamp Fox and The Shaggy Dog. And last but not least, he had a memorable role in the Academy Award winning film Patton.

David Stollery (Marty) starred in several Disney films as well, among them Ten Who Dared and Westward Ho, the Wagons! He made quite a few TV appearances as well, including I Love Lucy, Dragnet, and The Red Skelton Show.

By staying in the Marriott hotel in Burbank where the show was held, Bob and I were granted early admission to the Hollywood Show held on Saturday, April 24, 2010. This made it rather easy to get a joint photo with Considine and Stollery as they were unpacking their items for sale. They were both very kind, joking with each other, and mentioning how rare it is for them to do these shows. In fact, it was only because this particular show featured a Mickey Mouse Club reunion that they even came.

With Tim Considine and David Stollery

Celebrities of the April 2010 Hollywood show will continue

2 Responses to “Spin and Marty”

  1. Cool!! Then there was a Spin & Marty function in San Francisco a year or so later, I almost flew down from Seattle to see them, but couldn’t get time off. I wish that Disney would bring out Season 2 & 3!


  2. Is the photo of you with Tim Considine and David Stollery protected by copyright? I am in need of a print of Tim as he appears today for use with a biographical piece I’ve done about him for CLASSIC IMAGES, a monthly publication devoted to fans of motion pictures of Hollywood’s Golden Age.
    I am a senior citizen who receives no compensation for such submissions, and although I’m on a fixed income I’ll be more than happy to stand any expense involved and print whatever credit you specify.
    Thanks so much, and please let me know if you’re able to be of help.

    James Foster

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