The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Dinosaurs scare you. They're doing the burp" - Ashleigh

Lisa Baker and I went through all 13 years of school together…from the lowly kindergarten class at Fairbrook Elementary to graduation day at Beavercreek High School. Along the way, we shared moments of both disdain and awkward crushes – but I always considered her to be a constant friend. We first shared the same classroom during second grade in Mrs. Deets’ class (her picture from that year seen at left), and then again the following year in Mrs. Corn’s third grade class. There were times when we got along fine and then there were others when I can remember her eyes shooting daggers at me during Mrs. Owens music class. And I have no doubt it stemmed for some display of obnoxiousness from me like, oh say, tapping my cowboy boot to the music. 

During this same time period, her Dad was one of the coaches of my 1980-81 soccer team and her brother Dan was a fellow player on the team. Incidentally, Dan was an early boyfriend of Erin Rudd in elementary school, whom I would go on to date a mere 27 years later.

We shared our final elementary class in fifth grade (where we had the other Mrs. Owens as a teacher). My best friend in school at this time was Rob Bradford and Lisa and Rob shared a bit of a budding romance. They went on the moonlight skate twice at our Skate World skating parties. I never went on the moonlight skate at all, so I can remember that I was a bit jealous of this.

Lisa was part of a clique of friends during my sixth grade year – even though she was in Mrs. Doyle’s class. My best friend during this time was Eric Welch, who shared Mr. Turner’s class with me, and he was ‘going with’ Amy Lupini for a good portion of the year. At one point Eric and Amy tried to pair me off with Lisa, who had become one of Amy’s best friends. Although she was certainly cute enough, I just never had the guts to say the simple words ‘will you go with me?’ I’ve never known what the answer may have been.

Lisa’s sixth grade photo

Once junior high and high school descended on us, Lisa and I became lost in the larger school, didn’t share any classes that I recall, and basically never had much contact with each other through graduation. In the early 90’s, Lisa did get a job at the Beavercreek Kroger for a short period and worked in the salad bar, so I would see her and socialize a bit now and again in our break room.

When I first saw Lisa again at the 2000 high school reunion, I was amazed at her appearance. She had gone from being a cute girl to looking downright glamorous. At that time she was working in some aspect of the cosmetic industry and living in Georgia. After that, I didn’t find her again until about eight years later when I tracked her down on Facebook.

With Lisa at the reunion

Married and with a daughter, she is now Lisa Jones and living in the Washington D.C. area. I was so glad that she and her husband made it back to the BHS reunion on Saturday, July 17, 2010. It was great to catch up and reminisce. Lisa still looked fabulous and spent ample time on the dance floor showing off her technique. In fact, I think she danced her way through the big reunion photo. It was great seeing her and I promised to look her up if I’m back in the D.C. area anytime soon.

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