The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Dinosaurs scare you. They're doing the burp" - Ashleigh

colo4.jpgA while back, I posted some great vintage postcards that my Grandpa sent to my Grandma before they were married. These were written during his trek through Colorado with his brother Virgil during the Summer of 1937. Below are some photos taken during the trip. Most interesting are shots taken at the grave of “Buffalo Bill” Cody – proving once and for all that I am not the first family member fascinated by ‘famous graves’ and having my picture taken in front of historical monuments.


Grandpa and the grave of Buffalo Bill


Buffalo Bill’s Monument


Atop Pike’s Peak


Virgil and an interesting landscape


Grandpa and the Pike’s Peak Railway, early morning Wednesday, August 18, 1937


Grandpa poses with a bear, presumably – and hopefully – stuffed


Virgil and the same bear

During their trip to Colorado Springs and Pike’s Peak, Grandpa and Virgil visited the Garden of the Gods and snapped the photo below of Grandpa with Balanced Rock.


Nearly fifty years later – in the Spring of 1986 – his grandchildren Denise and I visited the Garden of the Gods as well. Although I didn’t have the good sense to actually get in a photo of Balanced Rock, Denise and my Mom did. Although taken from a slightly different angle, as one obsessed with ‘then-and-now’ images, I find it interesting to compare the photos of the same tourist attraction taken fifty years apart.



2 Responses to “Grandpa F’s Colorado Adventure”

  1. If you look in the group of slides from Colorado in 1959, you’ll see a picture of me at the Balanced Rock.


  2. The great inter-generational Balanced Rock gap has finally been bridged with this shot of my Dad and Bill from ’59…followed by an additional – and sharper – image of my Grandpa from ’37.


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