The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Hey, I have an idea. Let's not let the box of rats ruin our lives." - Mike, "Friends"

Ah, yes I remember it fondly. And before you mention it, yes, I am old enough to have baby pictures taken in black and white. After a lengthy four-day stay – by today’s standards – in the hospital following my birth, I was taken home.

By all accounts, I was not the most agreeable of babies. Having my days and nights mixed up, I afforded my parents little opportunity for rest.

After the first week at home, my Mom – in her words – was a “walking Zombie.” She quickly found however that by doing everything in her power to keep me awake during the day – by playing with me, tickling me, and who knows, maybe even juggling me – I would finally shift more of my sleep time to the dark hours. Also, the doctor recommended starting me on cereal at a week and a half, which may have contributed to some bouts of colic, but late night meals also helped me sleep.

Another thing that I found soothing was to sit in my ‘punkin seat’ in front of our color television. And thus began one of my addictions…

Two weeks old – drugged by cereal

My first outing was to my Uncle Bill and Aunt Dottie’s house on October 10, 1971 and as I recall, it was a rockin’ good time.

Three weeks old

Next stop: Christmas countdown…

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