The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Dad prefers a number two pencil, while I prefer a two and a half." - Bill Williams Jr., "It's Your Move"

The bad thing about being an actor behind the mask of a crazed serial killer is that you are quite expendable. Just like the changing Jasons in Friday the 13th movies and the different Michaels of the Halloween series, the guy behind the Leatherface mask (or should I say human skin?) of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre varied from film to film. The good thing about it is that you get to charge $25 to autograph a photo of yourself from an iconic film in which you did very little except swing a chainsaw and drool.

Gunnar Hansen was appearing at the Chiller Theatre show in Parsippany, new Jersey, on October 30, 2010. With the Halloween and horror theme, having him there was a natural. Hansen retired from films shortly after he starred in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in favor of concentrating on his writing, but has recently gotten back into the movies. Probably being typecast, he has starred in his fair share of horror rubbish in the past few years. But one thing I can say for him, he does seem to have Catafterme point down pat!

So far, Gunnar Hanson hasn’t topped his iconic madman role of Leatherface. Unfortunately, lightning – like the blade of a chainsaw – seldom strikes more than once.

Celebrity encounters of the Fall 2010 Chiller Theatre Show will continue

2 Responses to “Leatherface”


    Eric Hubble

  2. Cool post, The man behind the mask.

    eric j

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