The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"These pretzels are making me thirsty." - Jerry, George, Kramer, & Elaine, "Seinfeld"

larry.jpgThis one is a quickie. William Sanderson wasn’t even on the guest list for the Winter 2007 Hollywood Collectors Show, but on the afternoon of Friday, February 16 – there he was, a bonus addtion to the celebrities in attendence selling their autographs. If you don’t recognize him without the ski cap, he was the fella that played the bizarre leader of the trio of brothers Larry, Daryl, and Daryl on the tv sit-com Newhart. This was one of my all-time favorite shows – although I thought that L, D & D’s appearances eventually became a distracting interruption to the proceedings. Nevertheless, this was the second of the three that I was thrilled to be able to meet, the first being ‘the other brother Daryl’ in 2005.

Bob had previously picked up some autographs from the TV brothers at another Hollywood Collector’s Show. Hence, I already had the great multi-signed shot as seen below. So this was the second time I had to ask one these guys to pose for a photo without buying anything from them. Larry was cordial, but not as much so as Daryl…as you’ll find out in a future posting.


The celebs and autographs of Hollwood ’07 will continue…

One Response to “Hi, I’m Larry…”

  1. That’s a great meeting! And as much as I enjoyed “Newhart,” to me, William Sanderson will always first and foremost be “J.F. Sebastian” from the movie “Blade Runner.”


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