The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Don't you think you're bounding over your steps?" - Stan Laurel, "The Music Box"

aajoy2.jpgI have no doubt that Joy Wurgaft – now Joy Lane – was a legitimate Our Gang member, unlike many who claim to have been in the series that never stepped foot on the set of any movie. But unfortunately, Joy has built herself up to be one of the ‘stars’ of the Little Rascals, despite hardly even brushing with them on film. She did share one key scene with Alfalfa in Our Gang Follies of 1936 – even singing a duet with him, but beyond that her scenes were relegated to one of the kiddies in the background.

Bob had run into Joy not long before my visit to Hollywood in 1995 and she was selling a package of signed photos for a reasonable price. Most of them, unfortunately were shots that she had superimposed herself into, giving the illusion that she was a major player along with the likes of Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla, and Scotty (as in the photo at top and the t-shirt she is wearing in the current shot below). The most valuable (to me) photo that she has was the legitimate one below that highlighted her big scene with Alfalfa.


Below is my picture that I had taken with Joy upon our first meeting at the Hollywood Collectors Show in the Summer of 1995. She was nice enough – and was even kind enough to sign the Our Gang book in which I was collecting signatures for my friend Henry Sorenson for free.


I only bought one of her photos that day, the one below from Babes in Toyland. I had never seen this particular great photo taken of the cast on the set before – and have never seen it since. Since Joy is the Rascal who cried wolf, though, I’m not really sure if that is actually her up front (by the ‘D’ in my name) or if she has superimposed her face onto some other girl! Either way, its a very nice shot.


More autographs and celebrities from Hollywood ’95 to follow…

9 Responses to “Joy Wurgaft – Hollywood ’95”

  1. Fascinating. It’s thanks to people like you, that people like me aren’t taken in by her digital altering of the past. At least she is legitimate though, and I’m glad to hear that she was nice.


  2. I met Joy last year at one of the Courts shows and she was nice, too, though looking frail. It took her forever to sign her name–I think she has MS, and it’s very difficult for her to keep her hand steady. Now that I look at my copy of that “Babes in Toyland” still, my guess is that her face is indeed superimposed, as the lighting on her face is much brighter than on the other kids. Too bad. I don’t know her circumstances, and it may be that she has to do these shows to try to keep body and soul together, but it’s too bad that she can’t sell only legitimate pictures.

    Randy Skretvedt

  3. I agree with Randy, the lighting is much too flat, lacking the contrast of the other faces.


  4. I just received a photo of the Babes In Toyland. I think Randy is right. It looks as though she superimposed her face onto the photo. I think she like many other actresses of the by gone era ran out of money and this may be her way to keep her finances ongoing. I still think this cast photo is awesome. I wish her well.

    Bob Gedeon

  5. What rubish! If you guys would just do your homework, you would see that Joy Lane was not only in Babe’ of Toyland, she was honored in 2001 at a Way out West Awards Night dinner for former celebrities. She is listed as a rascal.
    Or better yet go to to learn about Joy.

    Lino Garriz

  6. Did you even read the posting, Lino??


  7. A copy of the original photo is posted on “The Nutty Nut News Network” (from the collection of Mike David). Indeed her photo is a cut and paste–she isn’t in the original. She sumperimposed her face over the face of another child actor.


  8. I spent some time with Joy and her husband at their home a few years ago in California. She was extremely kind and enjoyed speaking of her short time working for Ha Roach and the Our Gang kids. Joy is legit.

    Tom Roach

  9. She passed away on February 25, 2018.


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