The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Don't you think you're bounding over your steps?" - Stan Laurel, "The Music Box"

adams2.jpgIn a previous posting, I mentioned that I had once met Edie Adams, but did not have the foresight to get my photo take with her for whatever reason. In actuality, I never did really meet her. She was at a private party that I attended and she performed a routine, but I never made my way over her to give her my regards. Fortunately, as time marches on, we sometimes get second chances.

I’ve always been a huge fan of It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, somewhat of a cult classic chockful of huge comedy stars of the era and eras-gone-by. In fact, back in 1985, I made it my mission to begin assembling a collection of autographs of stars from the movie. Edie Adams was one of the stars of the film, playing Sid Ceasar’s character’s wife. I didn’t get Edie back in 1985, I missed my chance in 1992, but Bob finally was able to secure a signed photo for me at an autograph collectors show in the late 1990’s (as seen above – which included the rubber stamped signature that her late husband Ernie Kovaks at one time used to answer fan mail).

So now February 2007 rolls around and Edie Adams is appearing at the Hollywood Collectors Show in Burbank that I was attending. As I already had this signed photo in hand, I saw no reason to purchase an additional one. So I used the old ploy that I had already bought a photo and could I now get a picture with Ms. Adams? Sure, her agent says. And here it is:


Everytime I look at it, I think that she is wearing Mickey Mouse ears. But she is not. Nor is she strangling herself…I don’t think. It really is a mad, mad, mad, mad world isn’t it?

Autographs and celebrities of the 2007 HCS will continue…

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