The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Bob's pool. Yeah, sounds great, Bob's pool. I really want to see Bob's pool." - Jimmy Wiley

Last night we had our annual Halloween party, which, because it was delayed by a week until after the holiday actually occurred, was transformed into a family ‘game night’ with costumes optional. Everyone opted not to wear one. We’ve had some great costume gala affairs with haunted house, scavenger hunts, and hayrides – but this one was a mild family get-together.

I didn’t even play any games, other than trouncing Briana in a few games of Ping-Pong, but rather just enjoyed everyone’s company – particularly my nephew Adam and my cousin Karen’s daughter Abby (see “Abby Loves Soap”).

Adam and Briana

Me with Adam

Charley, Susan, and Sammy

Ashleigh with Adam

Me with Abby

Mom’s smile is fine…Adam’s however…

Mom and Adam

The food was grand, the people were fun… oh, and I got a new digital camera yesterday before we went, so I had fun snapping lots of photos, several of which I’ve included here. And somehow, I got roped into hosting Thanksgiving this year for my Mom’s entire side of the family. At the top is Me with Adam; above left is Charley, Susan, and Sammy; above right is Ashleigh with Adam; at left Mom and Adam; at right, Me with Abby.

Jacob and Lauren


Susan and Karen

Jan and Nikki

Aaron’s in the kitchen with camera

Pure Adam-ness


Abby goes all out to muster an expression

Playing my cards right

Ashleigh and Grandpa Murphy go head to head

Diana and Adam

Brittney and her new beau Doug at the fire

Bob and the fire

By the end of the party, Denise and I have made good use of Jacob and Zac’s school photos

More from 2006

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