The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Great, we'll be known throughout history as the two wisemen and the idiot who brought Myrrh." - Norman Lamb, "It's Your Move"

I was honestly never really a fan of “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, who recently became the oldest active wrestler following the retirement of Ric Flair in 2008. I thought that if they were going to have someone ‘represent’ the spirit of patriotism, they could have gotten someone who didn’t seem mildly retarded, carried a 2′ x 4′ around as a weapon, and whose battle cry was the mono-syllabic “Hoooo!” But nevertheless, Jim Duggan has become a wrestling legend and it was nice to meet him when he appeared at the Wizard World Comic Con in Chicago on Saturday, August 13, 2011.

He did appear more intelligent than his wrestling character and he certainly knew how to milk the fans for an extra fee to pose for a photo with him. But fortunately, the bonus “Hoooo!” that he bellowed out was included in the fee. After just being inducted this year into the WWE Hall of Fame, it was nice to see Hacksaw out on the fan circuit with his flag with him, but somehow without the iconic 2′ x 4′ that became a staple of the wrestling undercard.

Celebrities of the 2011 Wizard World Chicago Comic Con will continue

One Response to “The Hacksaw”

  1. the “HOOOOOO” was free?


    he looks great too.

    Eric Hubble

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