The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son" - Dean Wermer, "Animal House"

Thank you for reading my 9th annual holiday newsletter. As you may or may not have noticed, I finally changed the masthead to eliminate the “ABC Crew” logo. I figured since Ashleigh was now out of the house, and neither she nor Briana were contributing, it was too much of a stretch to include Baby and Clementine and some unknown A. Plus since Silas is now in the picture, the S was missing.

Feeling so far behind on the website, Christmas, and other things, I almost considered not doing the newsletter this year, but tradition won out. Besides, this year saw the birth of Silas, who obviously is the apple of my eye. Thankfully, I actually got caught up with this…and everything.

I finished this edition on Friday, December 16, 2011, after spending two evenings on it. I don’t think I’ve ever put one together so quickly. I must be getting good at it. Jamie got the first copy on Saturday and helped me proof-read. I cleaned it up, and so far, I’ve only had one spelling mistake pointed out to me. I’ll let you find it on your own.

After Jamie got her copy, I printed 20 more to distribute to folks who sent me a card. Again, I re-iterate that I only do this to avoid maintaining an address list and just find it easier to use the return address labels from incoming cards. I think before all is said and done, I’ll have to print up some more copies (like 9 perhaps). So if you have a hankering for your own hand-signed card, simply send me a card, no matter how crummy, through the mail.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of my friends and family reading this, and I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and a most excellent 2012…

Return to December 2011

8 Responses to “Christmas Newsletter 2011”

  1. Very nice Brad.



  2. That’s quite a year! Makes me feel like I need to get off my bum and do something! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  3. Merry of merriest Christmases to you and your family, Brad! You make my head spin with all that you manage to accomplish in one year. I am lucky to get dressed in the morning, let alone jet set and celebrity hob nob. Impressive stuff!
    And so sweet to see your grandbaby! He’s a doll.


  4. Hi Brad. Wow, what a year! Countless celebrities (and I’m jealous of that Paul Michael Glaser encounter) and becoming a grandad at 40! All I seem to have done is dialyse…what a catsafterme! Have a fabulous Christmas and a great 2012 — can you possibly top 2011? A visit to Belfast, Northern Ireland for the commemoration of the Titanic disaster perhaps??? See you then…!

    Keith Davidson

  5. Hey Brad. Thanks for the holiday wishes and sharing your news letter. It looks like you had a tremendous year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you and your family.

    p.s. Congratulation on the birth of your first grandson Silas. 🙂

    Chris Cox

  6. Another well-written masterpiece! I hope the New Year brings you all the adventure and happiness that you could desire! Merry Christmas! 🙂

    Maryann Herron

  7. Brad….what can I say? You have already lived such a full life- the “abundant life” that Jesus speaks of in His Word. God certainly has blessed you with your family, friends, your travels and of course, your precious grandson. Thanks for giving me a glimpse of your life…I’m proud of you! My family wishes you and yours a Merry Christmas, celebrating Jesus!

    Chrissy Look Brown

  8. Brad all the best of everything to you and yours for the season and for 2012 – may that “old dog” keep on learning new tricks! Your adventures make for highly entertaining reading and it’s apparent that you are blessed with very supportive and caring family and friends. Keep smiling…

    Bob Duncan

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