The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I see salt and I see pepper, but I don't see a salt substitute." - Bob Wiley, "What About Bob?"

base6.jpgMy Dad was obviously quite into baseball as he wandered through his pre-teen years. He had quite a vintage baseball card collection, which he still has today – and is probably quite valuable. He also fancied himself a ball player and sometime around 1960 these great photos of him playing baseball with his Dad were snapped. And as today is his 60th birthday, I thought it appropriate to share them. His parents obviously thought these pictures were keepers because they had them printed up in nice, glorious black and white 5 x 7 prints.

The highlight is at the bottom: the reverse side of one of the photos which contains, in his handwriting, mock ‘stats’ ala the verso of a typical Major League baseball card. What an imagination he must have had. I know where his heirs get theirs.









Happy Birthday Dad!

3 Responses to “Dad’s ‘Baseball Cards’”

  1. These photos were taken at Uncle Ira’s and Aunt Mildred’s house in Springfield. Ira shot, developed, and printed them while we were there. Did you notice how I made myself 10 years older in my “stats”?


  2. I’m guessing you no longer have that same desire to add ten years to your age. (And you probably wouldn’t want to add the extra weight either).


  3. This was neat to see Larry with his father. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARRY!

    I always could see Larry in Brad, but I didn’t see it in Denise until I just saw these pictures. Denise has the same checkbones, nose and eyes as Larry when he was young.



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