The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Hey, I'm smokin' in any jacket." - Sam Malone, "Cheers"

I never watched Starsky & Hutch when it originally aired during the last half of the 1970s decade. But in the early half of the first decade of the 2000s, I picked up the first couple of seasons on DVD and quite enjoyed it. Part of the charm was the simple ‘time capsule’ effect of capturing the era so well. This wasn’t done on purpose of course, but nonetheless it intensified the show’s charm. I also just plain liked it. But at some point, I decided not to pursue collecting the whole series and eventually sold the DVDs I had after their initial viewing.

Flash forward to Chicago and the Hollywood Celebrities Show that took place on Saturday, October 1, 2011. After having been familiar with the series for over 30 years, I was finally standing face to face with one those badass coppers. Starsky, in case you’re not sure, was the dark haired guy who was played by Paul Michael Glaser. Although the role of Starsky was clearly the role with which he is most commonly identified, I think I was a little more thrilled to be meeting Perchik from the 1971 film Fiddler on the Roof.

In fact, Glaser is multi-talented, having worked extensively as an actor, director, and now author of the book Chrystallia and the Source of Light, a fantasy volume aimed primarily at teens and young adults. He was really pushing for us to purchase this book, but I took the typical course of action and bought a singed Starsky & Hutch shot, hoping all the while that one day I might meet David Soul and get the signature set completed.

He seemed a little bit taken aback by my striking a deal with him to pose for $10 instead of $20, and then questioned whether I was going to sell my signed picture on eBay since I asked not to have it personalized, but overall, he seemed like a pretty nice guy. I guess there’s a reason he was usually the ‘good cop.’

Celebrities of the Fall 2011 Chicago Hollywood Celebrities Show will continue

One Response to “Starsky and Such”

  1. I remember my mother would get confused and call that show Husky and Starch


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