The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Hey, I'm smokin' in any jacket." - Sam Malone, "Cheers"

evoyage.jpgI just recently acquired a large set of my Dad’s slides from the early 1970’s, which will go a long way to fill in some of the gaps of my early ’70’s timeline. Among the slides were shots from a 1973 visit to Kings Island. A couple of the K.I. shots will be seen inĀ future postings, but here are a few shots from inside the Enchanted Voyage, a ride from the 1970’s talked about in great detail here.

These three photos were snapped in the circus portion of the finale of the ride. Boy, those clowns were kind of scary, huh? You can see the mini-hill that the boat travels over in the bottom photo. It would then careen through the large door into another circus-themed room before exiting into the outdoors.

3 Responses to “More Photos from the Enchanted Voyage”

  1. Well, the two clowns in the brass section seem harmless enough – but I would watch out for the drummer… Luckily, my slight Coulrophobia has only recently developed or else I would have never gotten to enjoy this ride – especially with the large clown threatening to eat the boat at the end.

    I love the pictures and the song lyrics. I’ve never had a great memory, but with the visual aids I can remember Gulliver and the snail and a couple of other creatures from this long-forgotten ride.


  2. And the snail outside said “Have a ha-happy day”


  3. It was have a ha-happy day! I remember my cousin running through the park like a goof, saying it to everyone and anyone, lol! That was always my favorite ride as a child and teen! It was replaced the year I graduated and I honestly felt heart broken over it! Today, I have lil ones and they absolutely love the scoobys haunted ride! But, I would be lying if I didn’t say that every year we go, on the first visit, I always hope that they have changed it back to the original theme! That’s a childhood memory I’ll always have!


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