The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Your car is uglier than I am!" - Carol, "American Graffiti"

She’s attractive, she’s funny, and yet she doesn’t seem to have starred in very much that I’m familiar with. However, she did have three key roles that had already elevated her into someone that I was anxious to meet. Dana Wheeler-Nicholson made her first personal appearance at an autograph show at the Chiller Theatre expo on April 28, 2012. Oddly enough, three years earlier as I was flying to Italy, I was certain that she was sitting behind me on the plane. The lady did a good job of convincing me that she was not in fact Dana Wheeler-Nicholson, but I felt the need to tell the real Dana Wheeler-Nicholson about it just to see if she flinched. She didn’t. 

She also had an interesting offer on her photos. The deal was $20 for an autograph and $10 for a photo op – OR – $40 for two signed photos and a free photo op. As much as I hated this deal, I must admit it was an upsell stroke of genius. And besides, she had photos of two out of the three performances that meant something to me: Fletch, in which she played Gail Stanwyk, and Tombstone, in which she played Maddie Earp. (The third meaningful role was in the episode of Seinfeld titled The Doodle).

She was really a sweet lady and she made it a pleasure to meet her. Had I had the guts, I might of asked if I could borrow her towel since my car just hit a water buffalo.

Celebrities of the Spring 2012 Chiller Theatre Show will continue

2 Responses to “From Fletch to Tombstone”

  1. So was she on the plane?


  2. I don’t think it was her. I didn’t get the impression that the real Dana Wheeler-Nicholson would have lied about it. And the fake one didn’t seem like she way lying either.


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