The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I was thinkin' of growing a moustache, but they don't let you wear 'em at Annapolis." - Eddie Haskell, "Leave It to Beaver"

If you’re a huge fan of the James Cameron film Aliens, then you really missed out if you weren’t at the Horrorhound Weekend in Indianapolis this summer. I attended on Sunday, September 7, 2012, although I’m not what you would call a ‘huge’ fan of the film. But I certainly liked it quite a bit, and now that I’ve met several of the cast members, it demands and a repeat viewing. There were seven of the main cast members in all. I skipped on two of the lesser ones, Ricco Ross (who played, get this, Ricco Frost) and Cynthia Scott (who had been Corporal Cynthia Dietrich). Sadly I missed Michael Biehn, who had only been present at the show on Saturday. And I had already met Lance Henriksen last year.

That left three on my list.

The first was the most important to me, the child actress who had portrayed Newt. Carrie Henn made exactly one film during her career as an actress – Aliens. I was anxious to get this because her personal appearances were extremely rare, and without being in the industry, there were sure to be scarce in the future. She’s someone I would never have recognized on the street, and she told me that she is currently a fourth grade teacher in Northern California. It was awesome to get this opportunity.

The next two were on my ‘maybe’ list, but when I saw that they were $20 each with a free photo op, I couldn’t resist. There was also a nice photo of them together from Aliens as Vasquez and Drake… AND they were willing to pose together with me. Nice actors indeed, both of them.

Jenette Goldstein was first. I actually remember her better from Terminator 2 (there was a Terminator reunion going on as well; this show was a wet dream for fans of James Cameron), in which she played Janelle Voight, the fostor mother to John  Connor. Other rolls for her include Near Dark, Lethal Weapon 2, Titanic, and Star Trek Generations.

Mark Rolston often plays a villain onscreen, but in real life he’s quite a nice guy. Jamie thought that he looked like James Caan in Misery, but in truth, he’s never played anyone that helpless. His roles include bad dudes in Lethal Weapon 2 (Hans), The Shawshank Redemption (Bogs), The Departed, and the fifth and sixth installments of Saw. He also has kept busy in quite a few cool TV roles as well: Sledge Hammer!, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Angel, and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

The Horrorhound was definitely a show worth attending, and fine actors who were as nice as these were the ones who made it to. And not a single one of them said, “They ain’t paying us enough for this, man.”

Celebrities of the Summer 2012 Horrorhound show will continue

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