The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Great, we'll be known throughout history as the two wisemen and the idiot who brought Myrrh." - Norman Lamb, "It's Your Move"

aar.gifIn about a week, I am taking a trip to Plains, Georgia for the annual Peanut Festival. This will be my third trip to the town and my second to the Peanut Festival. On Saturday, President Carter will do a book signing and I have been purchasing many of his books. I found that on Amazon, many of these used books go for anywhere from one penny to a few dollars. So far I have been very happy with the quality of these used books (and some audio CD’s).

Anyway, I’ve always enjoyed the Jimmy Carter books I’ve read so I basically purchased almost all of them, thinking I could get a few signed on my trip. This particular one, Always a Reckoning and Other Poems was literally 50 cents plus shipping (about $4.00 total).

When I opened the package, I examined the book and it was in excellent condition. And it was a nice hardback first edition to boot. But when I opened it up…

…I was greeted with this:


An original autograph! Not a book plate, not a pre-print, not a forgery. It was a legitimately hand-signed signature of the former President. What’s up with that? Best fifty cents I ever spent…

Continue with 2006…

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