The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Bye-bye, baby face!" - Lily, "Our Relations"

amber3I have two confessions to make. The first is that for the longest time I only knew Amber Smith from her Playboy pictorial from the March 1995 issue of the magazine. In the 1990s, her appearance alone would have been enough for me to be interested in an autograph/encounter with her. But the second confession is that I’ve matured and no longer seek out celebrity encounters with Playmates based on the strength of them being featured in the magazine. Therefore I had passed up meeting Amber Smith on a couple of occasions when she made personal appearances in the past.

However, I recently learned that Amber Smith is a bit more than a Playboy model, and in fact even more than a high fashion model.  She is an actress that has racked up a few meaningful film credentials. Initially I was after a photo of her from L.A. Confidential, and when I found myself near her table at the Hollywood Show in August, I struck up a conversation with her and asked her if she had any photos from that film. She agreed that it might be a good idea to get some, and told her that I’d catch up with her in Knoxville at the Fanboy Expo on October 26, 2012, and hopefully she’d have some by then. She was extremely friendly and said that she was going to try to remember my name for our next encounter.

Flash forward to Knoxville: she didn’t remember my name. But she certainly remembered my face and struggled to come up with the name, and seemed to have it on the tip of her tongue. Her prices had been a little steep at earlier shows, which was another reason that I hadn’t considered buying from her, but at this particular show, she had been designated as a “Free Signer.” Oddly enough though, if I had wanted one of the photos on her table, the cost was $20. If I bought it from the show, they were $5. Since she still hadn’t brought any pictures from L.A. Confidential (nor American Beauty nor her guest starring role in Friends for that matter), guess which one I chose.


Her fee for a picture with her was still $10, so in essence I got away with just paying $15 total instead of the usual $30. No argument here, and she was still exceptionally friendly. I told her that I had just caught her appearance as herself in the sitcom Just Shoot Me. She asked what channel that had been on, and I told her that I owned the DVD’s. And she promised that next time she’ll remember my name.


We’ll find out at the next Chiller in April….

Celebrity encounters from the 2012 Fanboy Expo will continue

One Response to “Amber Smith”

  1. I love that you WILL see her again. Will she remember your name? I am dying to find out now 🙂 I can’t wait to see what happens on part three of the Amber Smith encounters!


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