The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"That wax eater of yours is no different from the rest!" - Mae Busch, "Sons of the Desert"

fun8.jpgI’m not proud of them, I don’t often show them off, but nevertheless I have kept them perfectly preserved in an old folder from Junior High. They are, of course, FUNSHIETS, the ‘publication’ Jeff Flinn and I created during our seventh grade year at Ankeney Junior High. I would have never recalled the exact history of the formation of the FUNSHIET, but as fate would have it, one of my editorials in issue #4, actually detailed it for me.



The contents generally included making fun of other students and faculty from school, cartoons (mostly plagiarized), rantings, and pseudo-games. They were crass, often exhibiting flagrant profanity. They were vulgur and immature. They were in fact, the perfect representation of what was going on in the adolescent mind. And somehow, I found myself chuckling at some of the contents even today.

Although I had to be very selective on what I am sharing on here, I did find a few items that I could use to represent the era of the FUNSHIET. To be diplomatic to my earlier self, I’ll simply defend these as a creative outlet that would eventually lead to more meaningful publications and writings. Do your best to enjoy.


Lies I made up in Issue #2


A real rebuttal from the real Reed Eggleston in Issue #8


Like anyone really cared…


 More pontificating…and a dig at our English teacher


Another stolen cartoon, and a line from an L&H movie in Issue #14

Gather what’s left of your brains and return to 1985

One Response to “What Exactly is a FUNSHIET?”

  1. So much for this being a family friendly website…Just kidding. What seventh grader didn’t swear like a sailor?


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