The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?" - Taggart, "Blazing Saddles"

jlc2I’ve mentioned in the past how oftentimes it is more fun and meaningful to me to be able to meet ‘obscure’ actors who had some memorable role in some memorable film, but the average Joe wouldn’t recognize them if they were standing in line in front of them at McDonald’s…or even if they were serving them. In this particular case, the one thing these two gentlemen had in common was that they both worked in Jamie Lee Curtis horror films that weren’t Halloween. And that’s precisely why they were invited to attend the HorrorHound Weekend Halloween reunion in Indianapolis on November 17, 2012.


The first gentleman’s name was Michael Tough. He co-starred with Jamie Lee in the 1980 horror film Prom Night. This meant a little more to me than most horror films, as it is one that I had watched with my Grandfather in the early 1980’s. (Yes, I was a pretty weird kid.) It was genuinely haunting a pretty swell as a mood piece. Tough’s role was quite pivotal too, and at the risk of giving it away, I’ll tell you that he was the killer.


His acting resume is incredibly brief and shortly after his part in Prom Night, he all but retired from acting and became a location manager for films up until the modern era. In any case, he was a nice enough guy and it was pretty cool to meet him. $20 for the autograph and photo op wasn’t too unreasonable either.


The second actor is Timothy Webber. His film with Jamie Lee Curtis was Terror Train. Unlike Michael Tough, his role wasn’t quite as pivotal. Instead of being the killer, he played her doomed boyfriend Mo. But also unlike Tough, his filmography is quite lengthy, with a plethora of acting credits that extend from that 1980 film all the way up until the current movies. Unfortunately, I can’t find a single one that I’ve ever seen…or for the most part, even heard of.


His deal was the same, and he was also just as friendly. Being of this ‘obscure’ nature, I like to grab these encounters when I can, as the chance of running into them again is pretty unlikely. And I sincerely don’t mean the word ‘obscure’ to be insulting; they’ve still done something cooler than 99.999999% of us will ever do, and I think the fact that I’m paying each of them $20 for the experience of meeting them proves that.


This concludes the celebrity encounters of the 2012 Indianapolis Horrorhound Halloween reunion. Return to the original posting here

One Response to “Obscure Actors with One Obscure Thing in Common”

  1. My mom talked about that Michael Tough actor guy because she had a newspaper clipping about the movie in her journal.
    She liked him a lot and the movie too.


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