The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Dad prefers a number two pencil, while I prefer a two and a half." - Bill Williams Jr., "It's Your Move"

sofiaSimply put, there are basically two categories of celebrities that I try to meet. The first is people who I admire because of what they’ve done. The second category is people who are fun to meet because they were there. By that I mean that any monkey could have probably played their part, but they were lucky enough to have gotten onto a show that I deem to be a classic-of-sorts. Such is the case with Sophia Milos. I can’t go so far as to say that this actress is not beautiful and talented. Beautiful, yes. Talented…well, I really can’t say.

I know that she has has some starring roles in shows as The Sopranos, CSI: Miami, Desire, and Caroline in the City – but since I haven’t seen them, I can’t make any judgement on her star power. But she was there in two of my favorite sitcoms: Friends (The One with the Butt) and two episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm (The Pants Tent and Affirmative Action). In the latter series, she played the girlfriend of Richard Lewis, and got into some pretty funny scrapes with Larry David, causing him to denounce her for her utter rudeness and bitchiness.

I first mentioned Sofia Milos when she came to a Hollywood Show unexpectedly in 2011 and was so over-priced that I didn’t give her a second look. But when she came back again on August 4, 2012, I had added her to my list based on the strenght of her being there, as in being in two of my favorite sitcoms.

I’m not quite certain what her prices were when she was at the first show, but I think they may have been a little bit cheaper at this one. But still she was overpriced at $25 for an autograph and $10 for a photo op…at least for me. I politely made my maximum offer to her handler, which was just $5 less than her asking price, and was flatly denied. So I said “thanks anyway” and I walked away and lined up for Barbara Hale (whom I never ended up meeting).

Possibly because of the lack of business she was doing, her handler chased me down while I was in the other line, and brought me back and accepted my generous offer. This was nice and all, but naturally Sofia had to ruin it and my perception of her once and for all. She signed the photo (naturally a head shot, as they weren’t smart enough to actually bring one from any of her shows), and posed for the picture. But when I asked for the typical second photo of me holding up her photo, she said something to the effect of “no, we already gave you a deal.” And that was that. Really Sofia? I guess you didn’t think I’d be telling on you…


He who laughs last, laughs best. Right Larry David??

This concludes the celebrity encounters of the Summer 2012 Hollywood Show. Click here to return to the original posting…

2 Responses to “I Think Larry David Was Right…”

  1. Did you keep your receipt? Is there a 30-day return policy on her autograph?


    Craig F*rrell

  2. A pity you didn’t meet Barbara Hale — that’s one I’d like to read about.


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