The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Inspector Smoky Bates, private eye for the public schools." - Norman Lamb, "It's Your Move"


A Christmas Story is a film that generally makes an appearance in my house during every yuletide season. Because of my love for this movie, I was willing to shell out $40 or so to have Bob pick me up the photo above from one of the Hollywood Collectors Shows during the early 2000’s. Peter Billingsley who played the lead role of Ralphie Parker in the film had pre-signed the photo for his friends. The other three signed it in-person for Bob: Ian Patrella (as little brother Randy), Scott Schwartz (as Flick), and R.D. Robb (as Schwartz). Each of those present added their character names.

When I attended the October 2005 Hollywood Collectors Show, I saw that the boys from A Christmas Story were there once again. I desperately wanted a photo with them, but naturally didn’t feel like plunking down another wad of cash for more autographs. So I approached Scott Schwartz. He was also the star of Kidco and The Toy, two staples of my young life, because being seated next to a couple of nude models (who were fully clothed at the time) seemed to have put him in the best mood.

He was very nice for a former porn star. He gladly gathered the rest of the boys preset (which now included Zack Ward who played the abominable Scut Farkus in the film) and we posed for this fabulous photo. Had I been a little bit thinner, some might believe that I was actually Ralphie.  


Scott Schwartz (Flick), R.D. Robb (Schwartz), Me (Ralphie), Zack Ward (the menacing Scut Farkus), and Ian Patrella (Randy)

Continue with the celebs of the Hollywood Collectors Show 2005…

4 Responses to “The Boys From “A Christmas Story””

  1. This movie is based on some stories by Jean Shepherd, who narrates it and co-wrote the screenplay. I’ve really become a fan of his over the last year. He was on WOR-New York from about 1955 to ’77, and usually did a 45 minute show (!) from 11:15 to midnight. The shows are like an improvised short story–rich with detail and funny digressions and random observations. Not to mention his kazoo and jew’s-harp playing to really strange old records. You should hear some of these–if you’re interested I’ll direct you to some websites where you can download about 1,200 of his old shows.

    Randy Skretvedt

  2. ‘A Christmas Story’ slipped through the theatres with barely a whimper. I saw it in the early 1980’s and instantly loved it. It has since gained a huge following and many (including me) now claim it to be the best Christmas Movie ever! If Randy sends you the information about Jean Shepherd’s old radio shows, could you please pass them along to me? I’d love to hear them too!

    Dave Chasteen

  3. I went to Hammond, IN, last weekend to see the window displays from Macy’s that were themed around “A Christmas Story”. Scott Schwartz (Flick), Ian Petrella (Randy), Zach Ward (Scut Farkus), Yano Anaya (Grover Dill), and Tedde Moore (Miss Shields) were all in attendance and signing autographs. I bought a small leg-lamp for my desk…it’s a major award!

    Dave Chasteen

  4. a christmas story is my favorite movie of all time. i stay up all 24 hrs on christmas eve and christmas day watching the movie over and over again! thx for making an awesome movie! its my christmas tradition

    Reba Willesen

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