The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Instead of getting a cat, why don't we all just stop flushing?" - Red Foreman, "That 70's Show"

deb5I wouldn’t say that it has been my dream to meet 80’s pop sensation Debbie Gibson, but it is just surreal enough to be one of those events that only occur in one’s dreams. Her style of music wasn’t exactly my cup of tea in the late 1980’s, as I delved into the pop metal scene and then after a year, drifted into alternative rock and indie pop. In fact, I scoffed at that sugary pop music ushered in by Madonna, Whitney Houston, and Debbie Gibson. But upon review of this music at a later date, I find it much less objectionable, particularly the number one Billboard hits Foolish Beat and Lost in Your Eyes, and a couple of others that hit near the top of the charts, namely Only in My Dreams and Shake Your Love.

That fact that she achieved two number one singles was justification in itself for wanting to meet her. And her achievement of being the youngest person ever to write, produce, and sing a number one song (Foolish Beat) was even more impressive. It was easy to relate to exactly what this meant since she and I were roughly the same age, Debbie being one year my senior.


I was also pleased that when she appeared at the Hollywood Show on January 12, 2013, she wasn’t raping the public on her prices. I hesitate to use the word icon, but in one sense that is just what she was…at least to us teens of the 1980’s. It’s true that her career took quite a stall in the 1990’s, and even an appearance in Playboy didn’t do anything to rejuvenate it, but I still had respect. Plus she was an extra in Ghostbusters, so that had to count for something.


She was offering two autographs at the reduced rate of $35, which included a free photo op. I couldn’t argue with this by a long shot, and was pleased to shell it out. And she was quite nice and easy on the eyes to boot. Carolyn and I would run into Debbie Gibson later in the year and have an equally memorable encounter.


Incidentally, it may not have been my dream to meet Debbie Gibson, but I think it was for my friend Jimmy. This was one rare occurrence when he shelled out for a photo op with a celebrity. It was quite…Out of the Blue.


Celebrity encounters from the Winter 2013 Hollywood Show will continue

One Response to “Only in My Dreams”

  1. Wow, she is still a hottie!

    Dave Chasteen

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