The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"He don't want me. He wants the other monkey." - Stan Laurel, "The Music Box"

fox4Until I met her, I don’t think I had ever seen her with her top on… but hey, who’s complaining? My association with Samantha Fox is somewhat interesting in that I had never seen her in an issue of the British Tabloid The Sun, where she first garnered her fame as a “Page 3” girl…nor have I ever heard a single note of her music. I suppose you’d call it a bit of a ‘nostalgia thing’ for me.

I used to frequent the most charming-of-charming record stores called Renaissance Music Media as a teenager. Part of the time I collected vinyl – mostly 45rpm records with picture sleeves – and part of the time I collected CD’s. But I always loved visiting, petting the tabby cat, and browsing the aisles of music and memorabilia. They had a nice collection of vintage LP’s lining the walls, and lots of cool picture discs. But from the first visit to the last, my eye would always catch the Samantha Fox picture discs on which she would appear topless.


Ah yes…I remember them

I never had the inclination to actually check out her music. Her top songs in the United States didn’t eek their way into the top 10 until 1986 and 1988, by which time I had absolved myself of pop music in favor of heavy metal, and then alternative. But the picture discs at Renaissance still always caught my eye. Why wouldn’t they?

Never thinking that I’d have the chance to meet that fine busty young lady whose image had been etched into those waxy grooves, I took the opportunity to do just that when she appeared at the Chiller Theatre show on October 27, 2012.


Her prices were a bit outlandish, and it was only because she offered the 5×7 photo at a ‘discounted’ price of $20 that I even purchased it, originally only going to stick with the photo op for $20.


She was a sweet lady with one of those annoying British accents, but it was still a fun encounter, especially considering our sordid past back at Renaissance.

Celebrity encounters of the Fall 2012 Chiller Theatre show will continue

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