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Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you'll be free if you truly wish to be." - Willy Wonka, "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"

thora.jpgI had never found Thora Birch all that attractive based on her roles in the few movies I had seen in which she starred: Now and Then, Ghost World, and the Academy Award winner American Beauty. But when she emerged from backstage for a press photo op after her performance in the star-studded reading of Casablanca that I saw on my birthday in 2005, I couldn’t believe how good she looked.

Her physical appearance was only outdone by the fact that she was kind enough to approach me when she saw that I was holding the DVD cover of her film with Scarlet Johansson (who I always thought was the real beauty of that film). She scrawled her familiar and readable signature on the front cover and then posed for the picture that Jimmy took of us as seen above. Those eyes have haunted me ever since!


Continue to the next star of Casablanca

5 Responses to “Thora Birch 2005 – Yowsah!”

  1. I enjoyed “Ghost World” when it played theatrically; I bought the DVD but haven’t watched it yet. The main thing I remember about the film is the scene where crotchety 78-rpm record collector Steve Buscemi takes Thora to a party–filled with crotchety 78-rpm record collectors. They spend the whole night looking at records and saying things like, “I’m not gonna pay $250 for that; it has a lam crack!” The thing is, I’ve *been* to that party…

    Randy Skretvedt

  2. I adore the movie American Beauty, but I wasn’t all that fond of her. I didn’t even recognize her in the photo until I read on.


  3. Is that Heather Mills behind you in the picture of you and Thora Birch?

    In Now and Then, was Thora Birch the little girl who is the rich girl and her hair was strawberry blond?


  4. Actually it’s Donna Mills and yes Thora Birch played Teeny in “Now and Then”


  5. I must admit Thora is one of the nicest people in show biz I have ever met.SOme of Ghost World was filmed near my then job at CBS and I ran into her at Starbucks at Sunset and Gower.I gave her my card and got a very nice signed picture and an invite to the set.Yeah,those eyes still haunt me also.Wish she did more work.She is a true American Beauty!!!

    Raul Moreno

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