The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Hey, I'm smokin' in any jacket." - Sam Malone, "Cheers"

nd1I have a feeling I got off a little bit easy when I got the chance to meet Jon Heder at the Wizard World Comic Con in Louisville, Kentucky on March 28, 2014. Not that paying $40 for his autograph in the normal world, but somehow in Comic Con world, paying ten bucks for the photo op portion seemed perfectly reasonable for this young actor who achieved fame in Napoleon Dynamite, making the second word the most relevant it’s been since the days of Jimmie Walker.

For those who only know Jon Heder from this 2004 independent art house cult classic film, you most likely wouldn’t recognize Heder on the street. To be frank, he’s much better looking and more appealing in real life. It does turn out that he has done some other things of note, although none of them have quite reached the fame of this particular character. The most notable of all of these appearances would probably be Blades of Glory, and in a more interesting turn, he will play Roy Disney in the upcoming film Walt Before Mickey.


He was a pretty nice guy too. We happened to be one of the first in his line upon arrival, and so they were pretty unprepared for me to ask about photo ops. I was nervous that they would be restricted to the professional variety, but I simply offered him $40 for the combo and he quickly consulted with his handler and accepted. I don’t know where it went from there for anyone else, but I was glad to get mine… and a free additional one for Carolyn.


We didn’t talk about much of substance, but I did mention an upcoming Fanboy Expo in Kentucky in which he was scheduled to appear with his Napoleon Dynamite co-star Efren Remirez. That’s right. Pedro. Heder claimed that he wasn’t going to be there, although it was advertised and continued to be advertised for some time. I didn’t end up going anyway, and I never heard how it turned out.


Celebrities of the 2014 Louisville Wizard World Comic Con will continue

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