The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Don't you think you're bounding over your steps?" - Stan Laurel, "The Music Box"

sting1Despite the fact that I never really thought that the wrestler Steve Borden, better known as Sting, really has that dynamic of a personality, there was always something enigmatic and appealing about him. The fact that he was so infrequently portrayed as a heel would seem to make him even less interesting, but that was never the case. Even in his early days when he featured a more upbeat Ultimate Warrior-type make up, he still had appeal as a member of The Four Horsemen and frequent partner to Lex Luger. Maybe it was that he reminded me of my Uncle Bob…

But once the nWo storyline took off on Monday Nitro, seeing Sting show up always filled me with adrenaline and kept me in rapt attention. Sometimes the less you saw of him, the more appealing he became. Recall the time when an imposter donned his makeup and showed up causing havoc to the WCW stable? Or remember when he went through the period where he didn’t wrestle and didn’t talk, but merely stalked the arenas from high in the rafters wearing his mysterious brooding Crow makeup?

Well I do. And I never forgot it, even though I really don’t follow wrestling anymore. So when Sting appeared at the Wizard World Comic Con in Chicago on August 22, 2015, I made sure that Carolyn and I got in on the professional photo op, even if it carried a hefty $70 price tag.


Seeing him up close and personal was pretty cool, but naturally with the nature of photos ops, one doesn’t have too much time to spend. Still even in those brief seconds, he extended his hand and said hello and you could sense a genuine friendliness in his eyes.

Although it may not seem like it, there is a definitely limit how much I will spend on any one person, and considering the high price tag of this photo – and I’m not blaming anyone this time, because the incredibly long lives surely proved that was what he would command – I declined from purchasing an autograph as well.

Interestingly, just two days later, Sting showed up in the Facebook newsfeed for his triumphant return to the WWE on the program Raw, where he instigated a feud with Seth Rollins. The ensuing matches ultimately resulted in real-life neck injury for Sting.

And I knew him when…

Celebrities from the 2015 Chicago Wizard World Comic Con will continue

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