The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Is this a musical table?" - Paul, "Flirting with Disaster"


juliaCreated by Hal Kanter

Opening theme song composed by Elmer Bernstein.

  • 001. Mama’s Man – 9/17/1968
    • Julia Baker (Diahann Carroll) is an African-American widow whose husband Walter was killed during the Vietnam War, living in Los Angeles and trying to find a job to support herself and her six year old son Corey (Marc Copage). Julia leaves Corey alone at home to go for a job interview with a doctor’s office at AstroSpace Industries for a nursing position. Her interview is with Mr. Colton (Whit Bissell), who immediately rejects her on the basis of her color. Meanwhile at home, Corey, who has been told not to open the door for anyone, has let in the child living downstairs, Earl J. Waggedorn (Michael Link). When Julia returns home she finds a bloody knife on the floor and in a panic, follows the trail downstairs to the Waggedorn apartment where she meets Earl’s mother Marie (Betty Beaird). Earl has a minor cut from trying to cut an orange, but Marie is furious that Corey has been left alone. She soon settles down and offers to babysit Corey. Julia is called back by Dr. Morton Chegley (Lloyd Nolan), who is angry at Colton for dismissing Julia so quickly when the office is in such need of help. He doesn’t seem to care about her race, and calls her back for another interview. Lonely for a father, Corey attempts to fix Julia up with a TV repairman named Dick Privet (Lloyd Haynes), who he meets at the Waggedorn apartment, by unplugging the television. It turns out that Dick is married with a family, but Julia remains optimistic about their future now that she thinks she’ll be getting the job. Charles Lampkin is janitor Charley. William O’Connell is the messenger. Steve Pendleton is the other TV repairman.  1/17/16

  • 002. The Interview – 9/24/1968
    • Julia is scheduled for her interview with Dr. Chegley at Astrospace Industries, but the absent-minded Marie had gotten her dates wrong and can’t watch Corey that afternoon. She ends up taking Corey with her and he waits in the car, meeting plant messenger Eddie Edson (Eddie Quillan). Chegley is very gruff during the interview, putting Julia on guard. When Chegley asks the opinion of his head nurse Hannah Yarby (Lurene Tuttle), she rudely questions Julia’s credentials, causing Julia to become angry and frustrated and walk out of the interview. Later that evening Nurse Yarby visits Julia at home and explains that Chegley is a very good man but very cantankerous and will do the opposite of what she says, hence her attitude toward Julia. Chegley also visits Julia to hire her, causing on Yarby to hide and eavesdrop on Chegley saying the exact same thing about her. It is clear that despite their crotchety natures, they have mutual admiration and respect for each other, although they ultimately end up bickering with each other at Julia’s house… until Corey comes out from his bedroom and both act as nice as can be. 1/18/16
  • 003. Sorry, Right Number – 10/1/1968
    • Julia gets permission to come in late on her first day at work while waiting to have her phone installed. However, when the installer is late, she leaves Corey along to play with Earl J. Waggedorn. Corey and Earl end up in a fight when Earl grabs the photo of Corey’s father and it ends up breaking, so Corey throws him out of the apartment. Corey takes a liking to the phone installer Roy Felton (Richard Elkins) and follows him outside to check the cable and they end up getting locked out of the apartment. Julia comes home on her lunch and finds the phone not working and Corey missing. Frantic she ends up calling the police from the Waggedorn’s apartment, but by the time they get upstairs Corey and Roy have returned, after Corey hid in Roy’s truck. Julia overhears Roy telling Corey that he makes him feel like a father, and Roy asks Julia if he might call her sometime. Corey and Earl end up making amends. Alvin Hammer is patient Jake Drew. Don Eitner is one of the police officers. 2/14/16
  • 004. Homework Isn’t Housework – 10/8/1968
    • Julia visits an employment agency to find a babysitter and housekeeper who can work for her during her daily work shift. Mr. McAdam (Joel Fluellen) gives Julia and Corey a room to interview, and they quickly find Mrs. Elvira Gibson (Virginia Capers) and Helen Parks (Lillian Lehman) to be unacceptable, but they are enchanted by a young friendly student named Carol Deering (Alison Mills Newman). Things go awry on Carol’s first day when Julia comes home and find the house a wreck. After scolding Carol, the next day is a little better but there are still many uncompleted chores thanks to Carol trying to do her homework as well, and her lack of interest in domestic chores. On the third day, Julia is pleased to find all of the chores completed when she gets home… but Corey informs her that the work was actually done by Carol’s boyfriend Homer Lang (Michael Wajacs). Dr. Chegley takes Julia out to lunch to discuss her problem, and tells her that it is okay for men to do chores despite Julia’s idea of gender roles. Julia is disturbed when she comes home and finds Homer cleaning and Carol in her bedroom… but is relieved to find that Carol is merely typing Homer’s term paper in there. Madge Kennedy appears as a woman trying to hire Julia at the agency. 2/14/16
  • 005. Unloneliest Night of the Week – 10/15/1968
    • Corey and Earl J. Waggedorn are arguing about whose father is the bravest, just before Earl’s mother asks Julia to babysit for Earl and the baby for the weekend. Julia agrees, but then gets a call from Captain Vic Taylor (Carl Byrd), who had served in Vietnam with Julie’s late husband Walter, who asks to visit and discuss an problem with her. She checks with Carol to see if she can babysit, but her mother (Virginia Capers) says she’s out. Julia attempts to have Vic over for dinner, but Corey and Earl won’t stop pestering him with questions and disrupting their dinner. Julia gets Mrs. Yarby to babysit, and moves their date to a restaurant. Vic tells Julia that he had gotten married and now has a baby that he’s never met, and is scared to return home because he feels he doesn’t know them. Julia gives him sound advice to simply hug and love his wife and kid. Other members of their troop Ed Scully (Richard Krisher), Bill Anderson (John Copage), and Hart Sebring (Alan Reed Jr.) stop at the restaurant to tease Vic, but then find out that Julia is Walter’s widow. She has them all back to her place for breakfast, where all of the men verify to Corey and Earl how much of a hero Walter was. 5/13/16
  • 006. Who’s a Freud of Ginger Wolfe? – 10/22/1968
    • Corey and Earl are so excited to start school that they both wet the bed. Julia becomes concerned when all of the paintings that Corey creates in school are all black. Discussing this with Nurse Yarby and Dr. Chegley, Julia feels a psychological issue and goes to the school to discuss it with Corey’s teacher Ginger Wolfe (Cynthia Pepper). Julia finds that Ms. Wolfe insists that all the kids embrace their ancestry, but Julia fears a that an over-emphasis is causing Corey to paint in all black. When Dr. Chegley comes over to talk to Corey, he finds out that the only reason Corey is using only black is that everyone gets the colors first since he is shorter than the rest of the class. Meanwhile Nurse Yarby and Dr. Chegley go head-to-head over Chegley eating too many jelly beans. After fighting profusely about his bad health, Yarby eventually returns the jelly beans and notes that Chegley purposely cuts down. The staff also deals with a rich patient named Clyde Whitmarsh (Charles Herbert) with a rash. 5/15/16
  • 007. Am I, Pardon the Expression, Blacklisted? – 10/29/1968
    • Head of Security at Astrospace Gilbert Potts (Arch Johnson) reports to Dr. Nolan that while trying to clear Julia for security clearance, he has found that she once belonged to a group called ANTI, and until they can research it, Julia must be restricted to the clinic area. Dr. Nolan is irritated but keeps it quiet as instructed, and will only use Nurse Yarby to answer off-site calls. This exhausts Yarby and causes Julia to question if she is valued at the office. Meanwhile Corey and Earl J. Waggedorn want to buy a Creepy Walker toy and start shining shoes to make money to buy it. Julia throws a fit about the connotation of shoe shining for a black boy, but Earl’s mother argues that times have changed and plenty of black people now have jobs of prominence. Julia finds out from Eddie about her restriction, and after explaining that ANTI stood for American Negro Training Institute, she berates Potts and quits her job. Dr. Chegley visits and talks her into returning to work, especially now that she has been cleared. Julia allows Corey to continue with his job, and he ultimately gets an ultra-annoying Creepy Walker. Steve Pendleton is kindly neighbor Mr. Bennett. 8/18/16
  • 008. The Champ Is No Chump – 11/12/1968
    • Julia’s car insurance man Ray Ulmering (Terry Carter) comes to see Julia and tells her that he put her name in as a potential contestant for the TV show Win a Date, hosted by Chick Shickle (Jimmy Piersall). She is ultimately selected to go on the show and win a date with boxing champion Big Bob Nybolt (Ron Rich). Ray has second thoughts about his choice of pushing for Julia, hoping that he will get to see her again if Julia is selected. Julia goes on the show against contestants Marva La Bouse (Janee Michelle), Roberta Suhosky (Lillian Lehman), and Doris Kaler (Gale Peters), and wins. The dates turns hectic when Ray shows up pretending that he thought it was the night that he had made a date with Julia, and Corey has charged all of his friends to come see and take pictures with the champ. Ray ends up turning the Win a Date money over to Ray to take her out, while Bob stays back and meets his fans. Bob uses the fan money to take Julia out to lunch at Staley’s hot dog stand. Hank Brandt makes his first appearance as Earl’s father Leonard. 8/18/16
  • 009. Too Good to Be Too Bad – 11/19/1968
    • Marie invites Julia to come to their house to meet a friend of Lenny’s. Meanwhile Corey finds out from his friend Gerald (George Spell) that the new principal Stanley Jackson (Jeff Burton) is strict and will contact a student’s parents if they misbehave. Corey thinks that his mother might like Mr. Jackson, so he excuses himself from class to tell Jackson that he is bad and has been sent to him. Jackson releases him back, but when Corey tires it again, he indeed places a call to Julia who leaves work to come down and meet with Mr. Jackson. Julia tells Jackson what he thinks corey is up to, and Jackson teaches him a lesson by having him do chores after school. Dr. Chegley calls Julia and asks her to come in and work in the evening. When Chegley accompanies her back home, she runs into Mr. Jackson, who turns out to be Lenny’s friend. Jackson accuses her of having a relationship with Chegley, and Julia lays into him for the assumption. He ends up having a drink with Chegley and sending Julia an apology note, after which she calls him and accepts a date boat ride for her and Corey. Abigail Kanter is female patient Rose Ehrenrich. Carolyn Roth is a nurse.  11/1/16
  • 010. Paint Your Waggedorn – 11/26/1968
    • The Bakers’ neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Bennett (Jeff Donnell) introduce Corey and Earl to their granddaughter Pamela (Susan Olsen), but their rough play scares her off. Later Mrs. Bennett discovers that someone has drawn all over the apartment hallway walls. Julia overhears Bernice insinuate that the place is going to the dumps since a black family has been let into the building. Julia has to explain to Corey about prejudice, which causes a rift between Corey and Pamela, with their respective parents refusing to let their child play with the other. Bernice complains to the landlord Sol Cooper (Ned Glass) about letting in black families, but he won’t hear of it. When Pamela chokes on something, Mr. Bennett rushes to get Julia who helps Pamela extract a crayon from her throat… one she had been using to color on the walls again. Bernice asks Julia for forgiveness from Julia. Meanwhile Julia helps Marie tailor a dress. Alfred Daniels and Sonja Dunson are Mr. and Mrs. Calvert. 11/1/16
  • 011. Farewell, My Friends, Hello – 12/3/1968
    • Eddie pesters everyone in the office to buy tickets to his own farewell testimonial dinner, and then begins showering Julia with gifts. She is concerned that he is putting the moves on him and tries to avoid him. Meanwhile Corey and Earl buy some kittens from their older friend Cliff (Eric Copage), but landlord Mr. Cooper insists that no pets are allowed in the building since he is allergic, so Julia has to hand them out to co-workers, including the cigar-smoking Mr. Flywheel (Groucho Marx). Corey joins the Earl and his father on a fishing trip, and Julia and Marie assume he won’t catch any, and he doesn’t… but the boys catch a mess of fish. Mr. Cooper and the ladies try to track down a very disagreeable odor which turns out to be two of the fish that the boys set aside as ‘pets’ and hide in a baby carriage in the entry way since they know Cooper doesn’t allow pets. Eddie shows up and brings Julia more gifts, then finds out that he actually wants her help in asking Nurse Yarby to attend the testimonial dinner as his date. After the dinner, Eddie announces that he has signed to work on for ten more years. Morris D. Erby is Julia’s date Rand Kimball. 2/6/17
  • 012. The Solid Brass Snow Job – 12/10/1968
    • As supply buyer at the office, Julia is visited by J. Thurston Belrose (Peter Leeds) of Belrose Medical Supplies in hopes of getting their business, but he is so abrasive that Julia tosses him out. Belrose responds by quickly promoting a black warehouse worker named Mack Conway (Leonard Simon) to try and woo Julia and win her over. Although Julia is on to the scheme, she allows him to take Corey to the car races and accepts a date to his apartment where he cooks up his famous barbecue ribs. However when one of Belrose’s friends Tommy Keller (Tommy Farrell) stops at the apartment, it becomes clear that Mack’s apartment is actually Belrose’s. Julia invites Tommy to bring all his friends over, and then storms out on Mack. Julia visits Belrose to berate him, and finds out that Tommy stepped down from the sales position and returned to the warehouse after the incident. She runs into Mack who apologizes and tells her that sales aren’t for him. Mack later sends Corey the racing helmet that Julia had returned to him, a long with a box of his barbecue sauce, which he has used to now start his own business. 2/7/17
  • 013. Designers Don’t Always Have Designs – 12/17/1968
    • An attractive designer named Theodore Carver Neumann (Don Marshall) comes into the office and passes out from exhaustion. Nurse Yarby is convinced that Ted would be a perfect match for Julia, so as soon as she arrives, she has Julia tend to him. Julia doesn’t take the bait of Ted’s flirting, so Dr. Chegley orders to take some time off work, and then gives him concert tickets. Nurse Yarby jumps at the chance to babysit, so that Julia can go on the date. They have a great date, a follow-up picnic with Corey, and make another date to go dancing, but Julia overhears Corey praying that Ted goes away and that he sends someone else to be his mother’s husband. Julia finds out that the reason is that Ted has asked Corey to call him ‘Uncle Ted’… while Corey wants a daddy, not an uncle. When they go on their next date looking over L.A. at night, Ted confesses that his work takes most of his time and he aspires to design a rocket ship, leaving little time for dating. Julia has to report back to Yarby and Chegley that Ted simply isn’t the marrying kind. Olive Dunbar is the secretary. 5/22/17
  • 014. I’m Dreaming of a Black Christmas – 12/24/1968
    • Corey and Earl J. Waggedorn get in an argument because Corey insists that Santa Claus is black and Earl says he’s white. Corey’s attitude becomes worse when Dr. Chegley lectures him about the commercial trappings of Christmas, and Julia purchases a crooked tree that keeps falling down, causing Corey to miss Kansas and hate California. When Nurse Yarby berates Chegley for his attitude, Chegley goes to great lengths to bring Julia’s Uncle Lou (Eugene Jackson) to visit them. Meanwhile Carol utilizes her boyfriend Homer to play Santa for Corey, while the Waggedorns who witnessed another fight between Corey and Earl, use their black friend Officer Ed Page (Renny Roker) to play Santa. As Julia sings a medley of Santa Claus Is Coming to Town/Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas/We Wish You a Merry Christmas/Jingle Bells, the Santas all converge at Julia’s house, culminating with Corey and Julia’s elation of their visiting Uncle Lou, who joins them in a rendition of Silent Night with Lou on the ukulele. Earl spots Page in the Santa outfit, and is surprised to see that Santa really is black. Jack Soo is the tree salesman. 5/23/17
  • 015. The One and Only, Genuine, Original, Family Uncle – 12/31/1968
    • Julia’s Uncle Lou shows up for a surprise visit, and takes Julie, Ted, and the Waggedorns out for dinner at friend’s club, where Uncle Lou performs a soft-shoe dance on the stage. When Julia sees how elated he is by the applause, she becomes concerned that he is visiting California in order to get back into show business. Ted offers to allow Uncle Lou to stay with him at his apartment, where Ted prods him with questions about show business. Uncle Lou confesses that the applause brought back memories of his days in Vaudeville, but he has no plans to re-enter the business. Julia finally breaks down and asks him why he is really in town, and he confesses that he and his sister Emma were curious about Ted and he came to check him out. Julia confesses that she’s not sure if Ted will ask her to marry him, and also not sure if she would say yes. Lou talks to Ted about it and then advises Julia that Ted’s still a bachelor-at-heart just like him, and not to rush him. Of course Julia laughs it off, because she’s in no hurry either. Charles Lampkin is the emcee at the club. NOTE: From this point on, Ted’s last name is spelled “Newman.” 1/10/18
  • 016. How Sharper Than a Baby’s Tooth – 1/7/1969
    • Corey has a toothache and visits with dentist Dr. Brown (Roy Glenn) who informs Julia that he has an abscessed baby tooth and will have to get it pulled on Saturday. Corey refuses to have it pulled that day because he has an appointment to get inducted into the Secret Avengers, a kids’ club in the building with Earl, Lowell (George Spell), Howard (Richard Steele), and Kenny (David Henn), who already think that Corey may be too young to be in the club. Julia mistakes Corey’s refusal as fear of the dentists and no matter what she says, Corey continues to state emphatically that he won’t be having his tooth removed on Saturday. Meanwhile Dr. Chegley has been extra grumpy and takes it out on overweight patient Mr. York (Jack Spratt), as well as being especially crotchety with the nurses. However, once he medicates himself, he seems as high and carefree as a kite. He also insists that Julia bring Corey in so they can do a dry run of the tooth removal. Corey reveals at that time the real reason that he won’t break his Saturday commitment. Julia also realizes that Chegley has been grumpy because he himself has a toothache. She gets Chegley to see the dentist and comes up with an alternate plan for Corey: to bring all of the club members to the dentist with Corey, so he can demonstrate his bravery… of which the kids all seem to have very little. 1/12/18
  • 017. Matchmaker, Break Me a Match – 1/14/1969
    • Old high school sweetheart Paul “Duke” Carter (Charles Wood) comes to visit Julia, and Corey gets in his head that the two of them will be getting married. Julia quickly finds out however that Duke only wants to borrow $500 so that he can invest in a diamond ring that is worth much more. Although irritated, Julia agrees to go for another date at the Pico Pagoda. Corey overhears all of this, so the next day when Carol takes Corey with her to the bank, Corey tries to convince one of the tellers, Rita Hopkins (Ketty Lester), to give him the money. Corey spills his guts about the reason he needs it, and this sends Rita straight to the Pico Pagoda to dump the noodles on Duke. It turns out that Duke is planning to marry Rita and was only using Julia to help pay for her wedding ring. She and Julia both dump Duke. Having dinner later, they find out from the Pico Pagoda waiter (Clarence Lung) that Duke is marrying his sister-in-law… and he has loaned him $500 to buy the ring. Andy Albin is hypochondriac patient Andy Gosden. Michael Romanoff is the bank customer. 9/19/18
  • 018. Dancer in the Dark – 1/21/1969
    • Rand Kimball (Morris D. Erby) from Astrospace calls Julia one morning and asks Julia to assist with recruiting retiring football player Dave “The Dancer” Boyd (Fred Williamson), who has also been trained as an engineer. Rand’s co-worker Mr. Manning’s (Milton Stark) secretary Rose Ehrenrich offers to go out with Boyd, but Kimball insists that he’s not interested in white folks. Dr. Chegley gets tickets to Boyd’s last football game and takes Corey with him. He makes it clear to Julia that he wants her to join the team and help recruit Boyd. Kimball confides in Julia that he was put in charge of recruiting Boyd because he is the only black man in his department, so his job is riding on it. When Boyd visits Astrospace, Kimball tries to show him how progressive the company is about promoting black advancement, but Boyd has a chip on his shoulder and refers to the janitor Howard (Don Newsome) as an ‘Uncle Tom.’ During his medical exam, Boyd also harasses Julia about kowtowing to her white boss, but Julia puts him in his place about how hard she’s worked to get where she is. Ultimately Boyd doesn’t take the job – but both Chegley and Kimball respect Julia for standing firm. It turns out however that he has agreed to possibly work with them after a year, as he’s decided to play another year of football after receiving a $70,000 offer. Meanwhile Nurse Yarby helps give a fellow nurse , the homely Elsie Clegg (Bonnie Boland) a makeover. 9/19/18
  • 019. How to Keep Your Wig Arm – 1/28/1969
    • When Leonard leaves without kissing Marie goodbye, she shares with Julia that she’s afraid that he is getting bored with her. Julia decides that they need to go on a shopping spree and give her makeover. She winds up with a mod outfit and blonde wig, but when Leonard sees it, he hates it and tells her she looks like Harpo Marx in the wig. She tries again, this time wearing a brunette wig and lingerie. This time Leonard bites, and they spend a romantic evening together. Julia worries when Marie thinks her husband is only interested in brunette version of Marie, who herself begins to get distressed when she thinks that Leonard is in essence cheating on her with another woman… who happens to be her. She storms out to Julia’s place when he continuously wants her to wear the wig. Leonard follows her and explains that it’s not the wig that’s turning him on, but rather her new attitude and increased interest in him, which leads them to reconciling. Meanwhile Dr. Chegley treats Eddie’s ankle when he sprains it playing tennis with a date. Ezra Stone is Roddy the wig salesman. 6/4/19
  • 020. Sticks and Stones Can Break My Pizza – 2/4/1969
    • Earl J. Waggedorn has a shiner and makes Corey promise that he will never tell how he got it. Earl refuses to tell his mother, and Julia can’t get anything out of Corey either… except for the fact that it was Corey’s fault. When Earl gets grounded for not telling how he got the black eye, Corey confesses to his mother that Earl was sticking up for him when a bully named Henry called him a racial slur, and Corey had been instructed not to fight. Julia talks to Marie about what happened and confesses that she had been called the same name at a school dance, resulting in Marie tells Earl how proud she is of him. Julia consults Dr. Chegley on whether boys should be told not to fight, and although his answer is ambiguous, he implies that there is a time to fight. Meanwhile the hospital janitor Vito Cortazzo (Peter Bruni) keeps coming in after being beaten up by co-worker Pete Hill, who is prejudiced against Italians. When Vito earns his citizenship, Pete tells him that he’s going to stop calling him names because he doesn’t want to have to fight him up anymore. Julia gets inspired to tell Corey that it is okay to stand up to Henry. Corey comes home the next day proud that he won his first fight, but it is not with Henry, but with her sister Alvira (Shannon Kelly). She was sticking up for Henry since he was scared to fight Corey, but the two of them become friends and she now thinks Corey is cute and sorry she called him… fatso. Vito also has begun to get along with Pete, whom Vito found out was actually Polish, and shared his pizza with him. 6/5/19 
  • 021. A Little Chicken Soup Never Hurt Anybody – 2/11/1969
    • Dr. Chegley has forgotten that it is his anniversary so Julia helps him go shopping for antique earrings in a store run by bickering partners Teresa Brachetto (Janet Waldo) and  Mar yTate (Irene Tedrow). Since she is late, she has Marie watch Corey, and the boys in turn watch the baby crawl right into the hallway. They also spot a man hanging around Mr. Cooper’s apartment, who turns out to be a friend named Ishmael Brybecheck (Benny Rubin), who is concerned because Cooper has been missing for several days. Julia assumes Cooper is visiting his son in Chicago, but Brybecheck thinks he is inside. Sure enough, Mr. Bennett verifies that he is in fact inside, and has told him to go away when he knocks on his door. Julia and Bennett try and visit him, but he has his door chained and will only tell them that he wants to be alone. Finally, Cooper acquiesces, but will only accept some chicken noodle soup – which he can’t stand because it is instant – and doesn’t want to discuss his problems. Julia asks Dr. Chegley to return her favor and stop by and visit with Cooper. It turns out his health is perfect, but he is mourning his 50th anniversary with his wife after she’s been dead for ten years. Chegley reminds him that he needs to live and not mourn the past, and also that a woman can be a ball and chain. Cooper in turn reminds Chegley that he needs to appreciate what he has to have the company and touch of a woman, for which Chegley thanks him. Julia buys a chicken to make Cooper some real chicken noodle soup. Jimmy Stewart makes an uncredited appearance collecting for the Red Cross at the office, and Nurse Yarby comments on how much he resembles actor Jimmy Stewart. 2/23/20
  • 022. Wanda Means Well – 2/18/1969
    • Earl J. Waggedorn announces that his strange aunt Wanda (Tracy Morgan) is coming for a visit. The younger sister of Leonard, she lives in the small town of Oosterhout, Netherlands, where she is unfamiliar with black people. When she arrives, the Waggedorns have a dinner party for her and invite Julia and Corey. Wanda is kind to Julia but asks many odd and invasive questions about being black. Wanting to see a black person’s home, Julia allows her to go up to her apartment to fetch some candles for dinner at the Waggedorns’. Wanda encounters a burglar named Wendall Jordan (David Moses) who operates as a fake TV repairman. Because he is black, Wanda thinks he is a friend of Julia’s and lets him walk out with her TV and jewelry including a broach that her mother gave her. On his way out, he is stopped by Mr. Bennett, but when he claims to be a friend of Julia’s, Bennett lets Wendall take his TV as well. Julia assures Wanda that not all black people known each other, and also explains to her that they are not curiosities, but normal living, breathing human beings. Wendall takes the loot to his fencer Herbie the Handy (Harry Caesar), who warns him about taking personal items like the broach. Wendall starts to worry about the kid not getting watch his TV program, and also about the broach, which is causing him to have stomach pains. Julia goes for a jog, and Wanda asks to join her. She takes along Leonard so that she doesn’t have to answer so many questions from Wanda. When she returns all of her things have been returned, and Wendall is in the apartment. He has returned everything and promised to go straight. Julia gives him some advice on how to cure his ulcers that are causing his pains. He later returns Mr. Bennett’s TV, fully repaired, and Bennett promises to recommend him for further jobs. Leonard tries to help arrest the robber, but Julia doesn’t want to press charges. 6/6/20
  • 023. Cupid’s No Computer – 2/25/1969
    • During a maintenance visit, Julia and Marie note how lonely the widower landlord Mr. Cooper is, and then later at work Julia sees how bitter Nurse Yarby seems about another weekend alone. She talks it over with Marie and they agree that they would make a good match, so they begin to look for a sneaky way to get them to meet. When they each inadvertently and independently ask both Hannah and Sol to sit with Corey, they decide to just let it play out as the ‘sneaky’ opportunity it is. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work out well as they both argue not only on how best to take care of Corey, but about current politics as well. Looking for another idea, Julia and Dr. Chegley decide to submit an entry to a computer dating service called Soulmates Incorporated on Hannah’s behalf. Meanwhile Marie has gotten Sol to agree to try it out as well. Naturally the company pairs up Hannah and Sol, but she is livid that she was even entered into their system and hangs up on Sol when he comes. He attempts to pay her a visit and bring he flowers at the doctor’s office, but they wind up arguing over what type of flowers he has brought her. Later when Hannah stops by Julia’s house to return a book, she finds Sol teaching Corey how to play Chess. She tries to tell Sol that he is doing it wrong, and they wind up sitting down to play a game of their own. Julia admits to Marie that she has arranged this as well, just as Hannh gets Sol into ‘check’. 6/6/20
  • 024. I Thought I Saw a Two-Timer – 3/4/1969
    • While out to dinner at a fancy restaurant with Nurse Yarby, Julia spots Marie’s husband Leonard having a seemingly romantic lunch with a blonde girl. He even starts kissing on her, but it turns out that she is his sergeant Helen Papadapoulos (Chanin Hale) and they are on a stakeout. Leonard doesn’t want to tell Marie about it because he is afraid she will be too worried about his safety. Julia isn’t sure what to do, especially when Marie thinks that Leonard is having late nights because he is planning a surprise for her. She then gets the idea to take Marie to the same restaurant in hopes that Leonard and the blonde will show up again. Unfortunately the only people who show up are two little businessmen (Angelo Rossitto, Billy Curtis). However after leaving and going back to the office, Julia gets a call from Marie who is in tears because she went back to the restaurant to get her purse and did in fact spot Leonard with Helen. Marie convince Julia to get involved and question Leonard about it, and all he can tell her is that he can explain everything and that he must see Helen again and asks Julia not to tell Marie that he is seeing her again. That night Julia has them over for dinner, and Marie slips sleeping pills into Leonard’s soup. When he can’t wake up and doesn’t show up for the stakeout, so Helen comes looking for him at Julia’s place. Marie accuses Helen of being a hussy having an affair with her husband. When she finally understands what is going on, they get Leonard in the shower and load him up with coffee so he can continue his work. They wind up breaking the case open, and Leonard is recommended for a commendation. The next day, Dr. Chegley tells Julia that he and his wife spotted Nurse Yarby on the dance floor dancing the watusi with a younger man, and Julia warns him not to jump to conclusions. Judy March is the waitress. 9/22/20
  • 025. It Takes Two to Tangle – 3/11/1969
    • When Dr. Chegley is rude to Eddie for disturbing him after he had left explicit rules for Julia to make sure he wasn’t disturbed, Julia explains to Eddie that he is under a lot of stress as he is on the advisory committee of the inner-city children’s clinic and is struggling for ways to save it financially. Eddie is quick to donate the dollar that Julia just paid him for her lunch. A man named Paul Cameron (Paul Winfield) then visits the office and demands to see Dr. Chegley. Julia denies him entry and refuses to budge, causing Cameron to refer to her as a fascist. Eventually Cameron phones Chegley and tells him who he is, and Chegley runs out and quickly accommodates him, embarrassing Julia. It turns out that Cameron represents the J.T. Whittaker Foundation, and they may be making a $100,000 donation to the clinic. When Cameron asks to see the clinic, Dr. Chegley tells him to come there that night while Julia is volunteering. He also tells Cameron that Julia is a widow. That night Chegley shows up Julia’s place for dinner and asks her forgiveness, offering to drive her to the clinic, also explaining who Cameron actually is. Since she hopes to get the money just as much as Chegley, when she sees Cameron at the clinic, she offers to go out after her shift for soul food at the drive-in. They spend the evening together, but he is such a wolf that she has to pretend that she has a giant dog in her apartment, and then that her husband has come home unexpectedly and is in the shower. Cameron rushes out, then returns when he remembers that Julia is a widow. Nevertheless, she throws him out once and for all. Chegley thinks she has blown the deal and that the letter they get from the Whittaker Foundation is a rejection but turns out to be a check for even more than they asked for, $150,000. Demetra Ann McHenry is Saralea Emerson, a patient at the clinic, and Junero Jennings is her father. 9/23/20
  • 026. Home of the Braves – 3/18/1969
    • Earl J. Waggedorn has been attending Indian Guides with his father, and Corey is jealous that he has no father to attend with. When Mr. Cooper hears this, he bribes the man who is fixing the apartment roof, Ned Bowman (Lee Weaver) to attend the group with Corey. Later at work, Julia laments Corey’s situation with Nurse Yarby, and she takes it upon herself to ask one of her black patients, Matt Dixon (Booker Bradshaw) to do the same. Dr. Chegley overhears Julia talking about Corey, and he asks the base chef Sam Watkins (James Payne) to be Corey’s fake father for the night. All three men wind up showing up at the same time, as well as Earl’s father Leonard who has brought home fellow officer Henry Yardley (John Copage). Now having three men too many, Julia decides to visit with her friend Rita Hopkins (Ketty Lester), who is a social worker with children. She offers the services of three men to take some of the boys to Indian Guides. Although Rita worries that it might be like having the rug pulled out from them, Julia thinks they can talk some of the men into doing it permanently. When the Indian Guides have their next meeting, there are quite a few new faces there. 1/4/20
  • 027. A Baby’s a Nice Nuisance – 3/25/1969
    • Earl J. Waggedorn has set up a fortress in his apartment because his mother asked him to watch the baby (Harlan Margolis) and ensures that he gets proper credentials from anyone entering… including his mother. Privately he tells Corey that babies are a nuisance and that he doesn’t like his brother. This gets Corey questioning Julia about whether he will be getting a baby nuisance any time soon. At work, Julia witnesses Dr. Chegley use reverse psychology in order to get Nurse Yarby to inventory the office supplies. She is inspire to ask him for advice, but he just wants to ensure that she isn’t having a baby – or looking for a husband – on his time. Back home, Earl is feeling unloved and unwanted has decided to run away and live with Corey, to which neither Julia nor Marie over-react. When the baby gets sick and won’t stop crying, Earl’s parents become frustrated when they can’t get hold of the doctor. Earl’s father demand he come home, and when he arrives, he attempts to help quiet the baby. He quickly realizes how much his mother loves him when she tells him to stay away from the baby so he doesn’t get sick. Earl suggest having Julia look at the baby since she is a nurse. Both parents are dumbfounded that hey didn’t think of it first, and Marie tells Earl how much she loves him. Earl decides to stay and home and confesses to Corey that the baby isn’t so bad, and that he is a ‘nice nuisance.’ Julia tends to the baby’s ear infection and makes him feel better with ear drops. 2/23/20
  • 028. Gone with the Draft – 4/1/1969
    • Carol is babysitting both Corey and Leo, and while she is taking some laundry downstairs, Mr. Cooper has her help him change a lightbulb. Carol gets a phone call from Homer Grant (Michael Payne), which causes Carol to leave the apartment crying, and also leave the phone off the hook. Julia is irritated when she can’t get through, and then even more upset when she finds the boys alone. Furthermore, Carol’s mother Mrs. Deering (Virginia Capers) calls upset with Julia because her phone was tied up and Carol came home crying but wouldn’t say why. Meanwhile Mr. Cooper gets a visit from his friend Lahmael Brybecheck (Benny Rubin), who is interested in purchasing bulk of the barbecue sauce that Julia’s friend Mack Conway produces. Julia finds out from Corey and Earl who had called for Carol, but can’t get through to Mrs. Deering to give her the info. With all of the commotion, Julia forgets that she has a date with Mack. Mr. Cooper however insists that they go to the theater and to dine at Mr. Brybecheck’s kosher restaurant, and agrees to watch Corey himself. While at the dinner, Brybeheck waits on them and admits that he is buying Mack’s barbecue sauce because they are both minorities. When Julia and Mack get back home, they attempt to kiss goodnight, but they are interrupted by Mr. Cooper. Mack then remembers that he is supposed to deliver some of his sauce to the Army’s officer’s mess that night. Cooper tells Julia that Mrs. Deering found Carol, who had went to Las Vegas to elope with Homer because he had just been drafted into the military. The next day, Nurse Yarby insists that Julia takes the next day off to find a suitable babysitter, but when she arrives home, Mrs. Deering has been there cleaning and is ready to cook for her until Julia finds someone else. 1/4/20 
  • 029. The Doctor’s Dilemma – 4/8/1969
    • Carol’s mother Mrs. Deering surprises Julia by showing up and offering to fill in as housekeeper since Carol ran off and got married. She also brings along her other daughter Eleanor (Demetra Ann McHenry), and insists that she and Corey will become friends. Meanwhile at the office, Dr. Chegley has Eddie bring bring him into his office on a stretcher, then tells Eddie he is very ill to see if Eddie will blab to the others… which he does. Chegley also sets up an appointment with his colleague Dr. Barney Proctor (Gene Raymond), a heart specialists. This panics both Nurse Yarby and Julia. However, most of Julia’s worries are reserved for Mrs. Deering when Julia arrives home that night and finds that she won’t let Corey play with Leo, because she thinks he should have more black friends, and is also forcing him to play house with Eleanor. At the office the next day, Chegley and Proctor examine each other, and try to diagnose each other with various issues… until they have to refer to a third doctor, Gerard Hoctor (Jerry Hausner), a neurologist. That night Julia returns home and tries to fire Mrs. Deering, and finds that she’s made food for a smattering of neighborhood kids, all of whom are in Julia’s apartment. When Dr. Hoctor attempts to diagnose the other doctors, they both turn the tables on him and give him an examination, and then call in a psychiatrist Dr. Benjamin Warhawk, to prescribe the three of them ten days of trout fishing. Paul ‘Mousie’ Garner is Oglethorpe. Ortez Winfrey is the boy Bruce. 4/30/21
  • 030. Love Is a Many Sighted Thing – 4/15/1969
    • Julia runs into her friend Rita Hopkins (Ketty Lester) at the bank where she works, and Rita tries to convince Julia of the merits of palm reading, but says that her own palm indicates no love in her life. Later Ted brings Julia home, where she finds Corey and Earl racing their turtles in the lobby. Corey tells her that Rita is up in the apartment, where she is excited to tell Julia that she’s fallen for a man who comes into her bank and who works at Astrospace. Julia is concerned that it is Ted, but she tells him that the man’s name is Leroy L. Thorpe Jr. (Mel Stewart). Julia goes to see Leroy to try and set them up, but Elroy tells her that it wasn’t him in the bank, but rather Ted depositing his check. Julia is afraid that Rita will think that she has stolen Ted, so she convinces Ted to go out on a double date with Elroy and both ladies, and then do everything he can to turn her off. They make plans for a fancy restaurant, but Ted shows up late, convinces them to go to a restaurant in San Diego called the Purple Pelican Club… which winds up being condemned. They eat at a hot dog stand, where Rita has to pay for Ted’s meal. He also feigns a back injury, and thus has to end the date, and go home with the nurse to fix his back, while Rita is taken home by Leroy. That night Rita shows up and tells Julia that Leroy had proposed to her… but she turned him down because she’s still attracted to Ted. Julia gives her every reason why Ted is a terrible choice, which relieves Rita, who was afraid that Julia might try and ask him out. Julia and Ted later discuss how he can turn her off on their next date, just as Corey’s turtle Myrtle attaches himself to his foot. 5/1/21


  • 031. A Tale of Two Sitters – 9/16/1969
    • Dr. Chegley has another run-in with patient Andy Gosden, and warns him not to come back complaining about his feet until he gets some orthopedic shoes. Andy questions his metal doctor’s bag, which is actually his tackle box since he is getting ready to go on ten days vacation for a fishing trip. He tells the nurses that his 92-year old Uncle Norton Chegley (Lloyd Nolan, billed as Dr. Morton Chegley M.D.) will be filling in for him. Norton is as cantankerous yet lovable as his nephew, but is prone to falling down and to hitting on the female patients. One young lady named Bijou (Rena Horten) even seems to fall for him. Meanwhile at home, Marie is going nuts trying to babysit for Corey, as he and Leo keep arguing as they try to set up an Orange-Ade stand. Julia has an interview scheduled with a Mrs. Leona Hobbs (Royce Wallace), a black woman, who seems to be interviewing Julia as Julia is conducting the interview with her. Leona wants a complete account of Julia’s work history, and admits that she’s never ask these type of questions of a white woman. Julia finally tells her off and says she’s not interested in having her as a sitter. Back home, the boys shut down their stand, and try to divide the money coin-for-coin. Sol gives them the correct mathematical formula to figure out how to divide it up. Mrs. Hobbs shows up at Julia’s office and tells her that she was too hasty in how she behaved, and the two come to an agreement and she begins babysitting for Corey. The week comes to and end and the elder Dr. Chegley invites Hannah and Julia to join him and Bijou for dinner. They are excited to go, so Julia calls home and relays the information through Marie that she won’t be home for dinner… leaving Marie to hope that she can eat the dinner she made for Julia. As they head out to dinner, Julia and Hannah hear Uncle Norton fall one more time, but this time it turns out to be Bijou who hit the floor. 8/24/21
  • 032. The Wheel Deal – 9/23/1969
    • Julie has been late to work several times because her car won’t start. Finally Dr. Chegley has had enough and insists that Julia get a new car right away. She can’t do it that night because she has to work at Dr. Chegley’s inner-city clinic, so she promises to do it on Friday. Everyone including Dr. Chegley, Nurse Yarby, and Eddie have ideas where she should go to buy the car, but she opts to give the business to Robert Barron (Robert Guillaume) the only black car dealer in the area, and the father of Corey’s friend Lonnie (Edward Crawford). Unbeknownst to her, Dr. Chegley is good friends with Robert, and has recently removed Lonnie’s tonsils. Robert asks Dr. Chegley for the bill, but Chegley asks him to instead knock the cost of the surgery off the price of Julia’s car. When Julia goes to purchase the car, she settles on a Malibu convertible, and Eddie, who has shown up to help, agrees it is a good car. The price is $2200, but with her trade-in, Robert knocks it down to $1400, even though Eddie tries to negotiate with Robert and offers a higher price. Julia takes it home to test drive until Saturday. Meanwhile at school, Lonnie has told Corey and Earl J. that he knows that Corey’s mother is coming to buy the car, and mentions to them that Chegley is his father’s friend. He also warns them not to repeat that, as Dr. Chegley has said if the word gets back to Julia, he would put Lonnie’s tonsils back in. Julia decides she loves the car, and goes in to pay for it, then leaves her gloves behind. When she returns to get them, she finds Dr. Chegley and Robert together and figures out that Chegley had arranged for her to get the car so cheap. She isn’t happy, as this puts her in debt to Chegley. He says she can pay him back by working two nights a week instead of one at the inner-city clinic, so a deal is made. The next day as she’s taking Corey and Earl to school, she fears being late again because the car won’t start… but Earl points out that this time she is out of gas. 8/25/21
  • 033. The Undergraduate – 9/30/1969
    • Julia’s friend Rita Hopkins (Ketty Lester) invites Julia to attend a fashion show with her, but Julia has to decline since she has to babysit Corey since her ‘mother’s helper’ has moved to Chicago. Rita decides to help out and offer Julia a helper of her own. Julia initially thinks it is her older sister Eloise James (Ernestine Wade), who is married to Harry (Mantan Moreland), but it turns out to be their son Jimmy (Glynn Turman). Julia isn’t too keen on allowing a male college student do the babysitting, but he pleads his case and Julia agrees to give him a try. Corey takes a liking to him, and he is great with working with him on his and Earl’s running technique. Julia is also pleasantly surprised to see that he is also keeping up with the chores in the house and getting all of the laundry finished. Meanwhile, Julia and Hannah are making bets on the condition of a patient named DeeDee Vanderjadt (Ingeborg Kjeldsen). Hannah thinks she is pregnant, but Julia believes that Dr. Chegley has correctly identified her issue to be ulcers. Dr. Chegley asks Julia to tell him why Hannah is acting strangely, so she tells him that she believes he has made the wrong diagnosis on her. He sends for confirmation from the lab, and finds out that he was correct and she does have ulcers… but also that she is indeed pregnant. It turns out that she is also actually married, but has been keeping it a secret since her boss is a wolf. Julia catches Rita doing Julia’s laundry, and realizes that she’s been helping him do all of the chores he is supposed to be doing. Rita encourages Julia to fire him because she’s can’t keep up doing two jobs. Julia tells Jimmy that he’s been taking advantage of his aunt because he is lazy, but he rebuts her and tells her that he’s in the middle of finals, tutoring on the side, and managing a Little League team on top of working for her. Julia agrees to give him another week to prove himself once finals are over, and insists that Jimmy buy something for Rita using at least half of what she paid him. 2/25/22
  • 034. Two’s a Family, Three’s a Crowd – 10/14/1969
    • Julia tries to joke around with a patient named Craig Wilson (Ford Lile), but he gives her the cold shoulder. Hannah informs Julia that on top of his medical issues, he’s trying to raise his child alone since his wife’s passing. She and Dr. Chegley also try and convince Julia to babysit for the kid for the weekend while Craig has some tests ran. She eventually agrees, and runs it by Corey with the disclaimer to be nice to the kid since he is going to be put up for adoption. Corey thinks that he is going to be getting a six-year old brother of his own. When Dr. Chegley comes over with the child, Corey is surprised to find that his new ‘brother’ is little girl named Claudia (Kristi Taylor). At first Corey wants nothing to do with her, and would rather play with a monster kit with Earl. But when Claudia compliments his muscles, Corey suddenly likes her more. He starts choosing to play with her over Earl, and starts teaching her how to catch a baseball. Craig stops over to check on Claudia, and is stunned how well Julia is managing the kids on her own. He tells her that this has helped him make up his mind about something important. Julia thinks this means he will keep his daughter, but he actually asks Julia to adopt Claudia herself. Julia doesn’t want to carry this burden, so she is relieved the next day when Craig finds out that all of his medical issues appear to be psychosomatic. Craig decides he’s going to give it a go to raise Claudia by himself. 2/26/22
  • 035. Tank’s for the Memory – 10/21/1969
    • While Marie is babysitting Corey, she takes a look at Julia’s old yearbook and discovers a picture of Julia singing in a band with famous guitar player Tank Blue (Gary Crosby). Julia then comes home and finds them listening to his records. It so happens that Tank is coming into town for a concert, and not only does Marie ask for tickets for her and her husband, but Mr. Cooper, and Corey’s teacher Ms. Wolf also asks her to try and get tickets for them. Julia tries to give Tank a call, but can’t get past his secretary. She does however find out that Eddie has tickets, but he won’t give them up. He tells her that a few hundred more tickets are being released, but by the time she gets there, they are sold out. Coincidentally, Tank is driving along with his manager Eubie (Johnny Brown) and assistant Teddy (Michael Donnen). They pick up Julia and take her to the venue where they will be performing, and Tank asks her to sing one of their old numbers while he plays. She sings a beautiful rendition of Just in Time, which impresses everyone. Tank asks if he can stop over to visit and meet her son that night, and when he arrives Tank offers her a job singing with the band. It is clear that Corey is against it, and Julia decides that she likes her life as a nurse and taking care of Corey just as it is. After the concert, Mr. Cooper shows up to thank Julia for the tickets, and is distressed to find that Tank has given Corey a tiny guitar to play, which is a menace to his ears. 6/30/22
  • 036. For Whom the Wedding Bell Tolls – 10/28/1969
    • When Corey starts to become possessive of his babysitter Jimmy James, and mentions that he doesn’t need to let Earl J. Waggedorn play with them because he already has a father, Jimmy starts to understand how much Corey really needs a new father. Jimmy asks Julia if she intends to marry again, and Julia tells him that she does if she finds a man she can love and Corey respects. Later, Marie mentions to Julia that it is obvious that Jimmy has a crush on Julia, and it starts to appear that it is true when he picks Julia a flower from Mr. Cooper’s bush and asks Julia if he can call her by her first name. Even Jimmy’s aunt Rita ask Julia out to lunch to tell her that it seems like Jimmy’s mind has drifted from eating and studying. Then, without warning, Jimmy asks Julia to marry him. She is taken aback and not wanting to let him down unceremoniously, she tells him that she has to think about it. Julia looks for advise from Hannah and Dr. Chegley, and Chegley can tell her that it would be best if it is Jimmy who has to say no rather than Julia turning him down. Julia looks to Rita for advice, and the only thing she ends up with is to accept the proposal and then scare him off. It is actually Marie who tells Jimmy that Julia is going to accept, and he immediately goes into shock. Then she tells Jimmy that she plans to quit her job to be at home full-time, which would make Jimmy the only breadwinner. Julia is touched when he offers to work full time and quit college and start taking night classes. She starts to lose confidence in her own plan, but the next time Jimmy sees her, she is wearing a wedding dress. He admits that he was going to tell her it might not be such a good idea to get married, but then when he sees her in the wedding dress, he falls in love with her all over. Julia then convinces him that he was right the first time, and tells him that he merely has a crush on her. They agree that it isn’t best to be married, and also that it will be easier on both of them if he gives up his ‘mama’s little helper’ job. While Mr. Cooper is practicing the layup that Jimmy taught him, he lands in the rose bushes and smashes the basketball. 7/1/22
  • 037. You Can’t Beat Drums – 11/4/1969
    • There’s an empty apartment next to Julia’s and Mr. Cooper decides to put the tenants in charge of selecting its next resident based on the four applications he’s received. They ultimately chose the African American Douglas family. Once they move in, Bernice Bennett has some issues, including the fact that Lydia Douglas (Hazel Scott) has monopolized the laundry room, parked in the wrong parking space, and left empty boxes in the hall. In addition, her son Lyle (Ralph Johnson) plays the drums during the day, which starts to drive everyone crazy. Bernice doesn’t want to complain to her since she’s already complained about the other things. She asks Marie to get Julia to complain on behalf of everyone, thinking she would listen to her and not think the complaint is racially motivated. Julia understands but hasn’t actually heard the drums herself and suggests getting Mr. Cooper. Marie and Mr. Cooper both try to complain about the noise, but Mrs. Douglas is rather obtuse about it and just tells them that he’s following in the footsteps of his father, who is a professional drummer currently on tour. Mr. Cooper then suggests that they hold a tenants’ meeting to confront her, but Mrs. Douglas shows up on the defensive after feeling picked on about all of the other issues. She is especially angry at Julia for not coming to her defense. Meanwhile, Mr. Cooper has offered up the basement storage area for Corey and Earl to use as a clubhouse. When Julia, Marie, and Mr. Cooper go down to see how they’ve decorated it, they suggest that they invite Lyle to come down to see it… and to bring his drums and his friends who have joined in practicing with him as a full band. The band sets up their instruments there and begin playing. Mr. Cooper finds it loud and intrusive, but Julia suggests that he feel the music by dancing along, so he joins the dance party going on with Julia, Marie, and the boys. Mrs. Douglas joins in on piano. She also apologizes to everyone for being on the defensive so quickly. 10/22/22
  • 038. Tie Wolf! – 11/11/1969
    • Dr. Chegley is in a particularly bad mood, as Nurse Yarby has won a trip to Europe and taken off before they could get a replacement. After going through four different nurses, Dr. Chegley decides to bring his wife Melba (Mary Wickes) in as the replacement. Julia is so busy when her babysitter Mrs. Hobbs o talk about Corey that he won’t let her talk to her. When she gets home, she finds that since he and Earl were playing Indians, she has tied them to the kitchen table and gone to the laundry room. Julia fires her, although Marie thinks she’s overreacted. They agree that Julia will put an ad in the paper to find another ‘mother’s helper’. With Nurse Melba now in place, Dr. Chegley is in a considerably better mood, and he announces that he has helped secure a job for Paul Cameron at AstroSpace. Julia remembers him as a wolf that she never wanted to see again. Unfortunately, his position will be that of the head of the insurance department, so she will have a lot of exposure to him. Later, Julia and Melba overhear Dr. Chegley and Paul in a shouting match over an employee named Fred McAllister who is trying to file a workman’s comp claim. Julia recalls that the accident wasn’t job related. Cameron himself realizes that he has made a mistake and comes to apologize. However, Chegley is so angry at him he stubbornly won’t even see him. Cameron is then furious that Chegley is being so pig-headed. Marie calls and tells Julia that a potential babysitter named Dolly Corrigan (Leona Early) has called about the job. That night when Leonard comes home, he finds Marie tied up by Earl and Corey. He is furious with the boys, but Marie claims responsibility. When Julia arrives home, she finds Leonard yelling at the boys and demanding that Julia punish Corey, as he will punish Earl. With everyone shouting on the front yard, Dolly shows up and immediately turns around and refuses the job. When Julia goes into work the next day, she finds that Dr. Chegley and Paul are now getting along swimmingly. Julia asks Melba how she brought about peace between them. She has promised to work at the children’s clinic if he would meet with Paul again. And she’s promised Paul that if he speaks sweetly to Dr. Chegley, Julia will accept a date with him. Although reluctant, she accepts the date… and has the boys tie him up. Julia only agrees to untie him if he will promise to keep his hands to himself and be a gentleman on their date. He gives her a little kiss, but indicates that he didn’t use any hands as they head out on their date. Milton Stark is the patient. 10/22/22
  • 039. Romeo and Julia – 11/18/1969
    • A patient named Roger Blanchard (David Garrison) brings his daughter Cindy (Jodie Foster) to the office, and while he is seeing the doctor, Julia keeps an eye on Cindy. Mr. Cooper drops Corey off at the office so that he and Julia can go shopping together after work, and Corey makes fast friends with Cindy, who invites Corey to attend her eighth birthday party. Another patient named Sam Barnes (Arthur Adams) comes into the office and sees Julia. He tries to convince her to go on a blind date with a friend of his named Jordan Hayes (Vince Howard), but Julia isn’t interested. Later that evening while trying to convince Corey that he won’t be going to any birthday party unless he gets an official invitation, Jordan calls and tries to make a date with Julia. She tells him that she has no babysitter, but Marie loudly volunteers to do the honors. Since Jordan overhears her, Julia has no choice but to agree to see him. An invitation does in fact show up for Corey, so they go out and get Cindy an ant farm for her birthday. Julia drops Corey off at the party but gets a funny feeling from Mrs. Blanchard (Kathleen Hughes) that Corey will be the only black child at the party. She starts to wonder if she made the right decision to let him stay there. When she goes to pick Corey up, Mrs. Blanchard goes out of her way to tell Julia how well Corey fit in and was the perfect gentleman. Julia reads between the lines and coldly thanks her for inviting Corey to the party. That evening, Jordan picks up Julia, but remarks how he doesn’t care for the building demographics: mostly all white. That night they argue over race issues, with Julia concluding that Jordan is prejudice as he sees all white folks as being the same. When it becomes clear that Julia isn’t going to see him again unless he changes his tune, he agrees to meet the Waggedorns… even though Leonard is a police officer. It isn’t long before Julia and Marie can hear Jordan and Leonard arguing and yelling at each other on the balcony outside. However, when they go to intervene, they find out they are merely arguing over a their rival high school football teams. All seems to end well, until their shouting wakes up the baby as well as Corey and Earl, and Marie’s cookies are now on fire inside the oven. 2/27/23
  • 040. The Grass Is Sometimes Greener – 11/25/1969
    • Dr. Chegley gets a visit from his old friend and colleague Dr. Foster “Piggy” Prestwick (Don Ameche), who seems to take an instant liking to Julia when he sees how she handles giving an invisible placebo to Eddie. He also reveals to Julia and Melba that Dr. Chegley’s nickname in college was “Choo-Choo” because he had a one-track mind when it came to girls. Chegley gets a little irritated however when he finds out that Dr. Prestwick is interested in hiring Julia out from under him to work at the Gunther Clinic in Wichita, Kansas, which happens to be near Julia’s hometown of Dorsiton. Julia is honored to be asked and is tempted by the large raise she would be getting. She also gets annoyed when Dr. Chegley doesn’t give her a counteroffer or try to talk her out of it. She goes home and talks to Corey about the possibility of moving, but he doesn’t want to leave, mostly because Earl J. Waggedorn owes him fifteen cents. As she talks it over with Marie, she realizes that she has no desire to leave her friends in California and doesn’t want the job. Meanwhile, Dr. Chegley discusses it with Melba and confides in her that he feels that there is something strange about Dr. Prestwick’s offer. Melba accuses him of having sour grapes, so Dr. Chegley vows to get Julia to take the job since it seems like the right move for her. The next day he tells Julia that he wishes he could match the salary but think thinks that this will be a good opportunity for her. Julia gets offended again thinking that she is not wanted by him. She goes and tells Dr. Prestwick that she will take the job in Wichita. He tells her that his colleagues will be thrilled to have someone like her. She suddenly realizes that she has been offered the job strictly because she is black, which suddenly makes her refuse the job. Corey is excited to tell Earl that he isn’t going, and that he now owes Corey the fifteen cents again. 2/27/23
  • 041. The Eve of Adam – 12/2/1969
    • After grocery shopping, Corey accidentally lets go of the shopping cart in the parking lot while picking up a bottle cap that he thought was a nickel, and the cart rolls into the outdoor display of an artist named Adam Spencer (Georg Stanford Brown). Julia and Corey get to talking to him, and before they know it, they are back at his place watching him paint. He promises Corey that he will paint a portrait of him and then bring it over to their house. Corey watches and waits for Adam to show up, but Julia warns him that he may very well disappoint Corey. However, he does not, and soon he shows up with the completed painting. When they ask him to stay for dinner, Adam insists on cooking for them. When Marie stops by, Adam and Julia invite her and Earl to stay as well. They discuss his travels the world and life on the seven seas. When Marie mentions that her husband has always wanted to build a cabin in the mountains, she encourages Marie to get started on it soon and not wait until ‘someday’. Everyone gathers and sings Billy Boy together, and even Mr. Cooper stops by to participate. He even gives some sketch ideas on the back of Corey’s painting. Julia later brings the painting into the office, and Melba comments on how professional the architectural drawings look. Julia mentions how charming and talented Adam is, but how he is also very frustrating because he refuses to get a normal job. Julia even goes to visit him and tells him the path to get a job at AstroSpace. Adam is repulsed by the idea of joining the establishment and says he’s not hurting anyone by living his life his way. Julia comments that he is hurting Corey, who looks up to Adam and has stopped wearing socks because Adam doesn’t. Julia heads home and finds that even Mr. Cooper has been inspired by Adam’s carefree attitude. That night, Adam stops by to say his goodbyes as he prepares to leave for a yacht race to Honolulu. Corey is heartbroken that he is leaving, but Adam tells him that this is the cost of his lifestyle. Julia tries to distract Corey by offering to take him to splurge and spend the $10 of his birthday money in honor of Adam’s carefree philosophy. 7/29/23
  • 042. So’s Your Old Uncle – 12/9/1969
    • With Dr. Chegley going off to a medical convention in Chicago, his 92-year-old uncle Dr. Norton Chegley returns to fill in for him while he is gone. Meanwhile, a new employee named Bert Morrow (Terry Carter) continues his pursuit of a date with Julia, but she keeps putting him off. While Dr. Norton keeps struggling with his spinning desk chair, he nearly tries to have Nurse Yarby examined, thinking she is a male patient. From then on, he begins a flirtation with her that culminates in him sending her flowers. He somehow thinks that they’ve arranged a date, but Hannah has no interest in letting him take her out. Julia feels sorry for him and tries to encourage Hannah to go to dinner with him. When she refuses, Julia decides to agree to a date with Bert so that they can double at the Palm Room. When Bert stops by to see Norton and drop off some papers for him to sign for his insurance department, Norton takes offense and tries to fight Bert. After Nurse Yarby help calm down a patient named Mr. Kwalick (Norman Grabowski), Norton is even more impressed and gives Hannah a gushy compliment about how beautiful her eyes are. With Julia’s offer to double date, they agree to go to the Palm Club. The date is nearly ruined when Norton recognizes Bert from the insurance department, but after they almost duke it out, they both realize that they like old jazz. While the ladies are conspiring to have Nurse Yarby fake a headache so they can leave, the guys are making plans to go back to Bert’s house to listen to old jazz records. They nearly forget the ladies completely as they head out. They enjoy the records, and the girls are bored, but soon the men begin to argue over whether to listen to Bix Beiderbecke or Jelly Roll Morton, and the night ends with everyone arguing. Soon, Dr. Chegley returns and relieves his uncle of duty. Chegley complains to his uncle how he lost enough money at cards that he now needs money to pay the taxi driver. He also now seems to have the same problems as his uncle in the spinning chair. Abigail Kanter is the patient, Helen. Michael Romanoff is the maitre d’. 11/29/23
  • 043. Hilda’s No Help – 12/16/1969
    • Julia remembers the chaotic visit from Leonard’s sister Wanda, so she hopes to steer clear when Wanda’s twin sister Hilda (Tracy Morgan) has now come for a visit from Oosterhout. Hilda tells Julia that the tales she heard from Wanda about Julia’s independence has inspired her to come to America to look for a job of her own. With that knowledge, Julia brings Hilda to work with her at AstroSpace to see if she is qualified for any job there. However, none of her experience back home translates to any job in Los Angeles. Julia takes her to the employment agency that day at lunch. That night, Corey tells his mother that he heard that Hilda found a job. Julia and Marie go out to dinner at Wolfgang’s German restaurant, but Marie doesn’t tell Julia that Hilda is working at Wolfgang’s. It only takes a matter of minutes before Hilda has dumped an entire tray of food onto Julia. Wolfgang (Jay Novello) fires Hilda and gives Julia passes for a free dinner for two. In order to make up for the incident, Hilda offers to babysit for Julia while she uses her free dinner passes. Julia reluctantly agrees to go, and she takes Hannah as her guest. They have a nice dinner, and Hilda’s replacement Ilsa (Ingeborg Kjeldsen) waits on them. Back home, things don’t go so well, and Hilda inexplicably takes it upon herself to fix Julia’s plumbing ahead of the super. She also lets in a pushy encyclopedia salesman named C.C. Calhoun (Jack Carter), who pressures her into signing Julia’s name and committing to over $200 worth of books. By the time she remembers that she’s unscrewed some pipes under the sink, the kitchen is flooded. Before she can do any more damage, fortunately one of the boys from Oosterhout has become a lawyer in Milwaukee and has sent for Hilda to come and see him, which she is hoping will lead to a marriage proposal. After they get Hilda on a plane, Marie offers to pay for the encyclopedias, but they end up compromising that they will split the cost since both boys can use them. Julia sees the humor in the fact that they will be going “Dutch”. 11/29/23
  • 044. Temper Also Fugits – 12/30/1969
    • As Nurse Yarby struggles with a diet, she also struggles with Dr. Chegley’s ill treatment when he gets grumpy about Business Affairs pushing him to get their audit reports together and submitted. Chegley thinks that they only see the bottom financial line and have no compassion for the patients. However, when Eddie asks the doctor to look at a ‘twinge’ in his back, he snaps at him about wanting free medical attention just because he can. Both Hannah and Julia have to stay and work late into the evening. Marie keeps Corey through the evening overnight and has trouble getting them to come in and eat dinner… until she tells them about the burgers, fries, and ice cream she is serving. The next morning, while Marie is taking care of the baby, the boys make their own lunch, which includes sardine sandwiches covered in chocolate. Later that day, Hannah comes in late to work due to car trouble, invoking more ire from Dr. Chegley. He also yells at her when she speaks to her mechanic on the phone on company time. Worst of all, Dr. Chegley berates Hannah when he cannot find the Gross Expenditure report in the files. Although Hannah doesn’t remember him giving it to her, she takes responsibility for it. Marie calls Julia and tells her that both Corey and Earl came home sick from school, but the boys attribute it to a sour lollipop a friend gave them, and not the sardine sandwiches, the pickled peppers and bologna, or the can of chili and beans. Over at the office, Chegley and Hannah stop speaking to each other and will only go through Julia. When he tells her that she probably lost another one of his files due to her ineptness, she resigns her resignation. Chegley has Julia pen a letter to Personnel about Hannah’s departure, but Julia reads it back as an apology note to Nurse Yarby. Julia tells him that he can’t possibly let her leave, and then he finds the missing Gross Expenditure report on his desk. When Hannah returns to change her clothes, Chegley had no choice but to apologize, but does so begrudgingly. Hannah insists that if she comes back, there will be better hours, less dictatorship, and more courtesy between them. After their coffee break, the nurses return to find Chegley and Eddie carrying their own picket signs in the hallway about the nurses being unfair to the doctors. 4/6/24
  • 045. The Prisoner of Brenda – 1/6/1970
    • With a light out in Dr. Chegley’s office, a maintenance man named Stanley “Mac” Maguire (William Bramley) comes to fix it for him and is immediately criticized by Dr. Chegley for taking so long to get there. This causes an immediate rift between them, and Mac makes it his duty to explain to Chegley all of the things for which the maintenance team of four are responsible. Chegley leaves the office and returns just in time to hear Mac calling for reinforcements because the wiring problem is so complicated. He and the maintenance team set up roadblocks and signs all around Chegley’s office as they work. Meanwhile, Julia shops for a new ‘mother’s helper’ to watch Corey while she works. x recommends a girl named Brenda Harper (Phyliss Thompson), who seems exceptionally qualified, despite the fact that she is an overzealous student who likes to spout off everything she has learned. Julia comes home and finds her teaching Corey and Earl about Eskimo culture, but everything else is in perfect order. Later, Marie stops Julia before she enters her apartment to talk about the fact that Earl seems to be trying to regurgitate all he’s learned, but his school says he sound like he is educationally fatigued, as well as confused by all of the subject matter. Julia enters the apartment to find Brenda teach the boys Flamenco dancing. Julia doesn’t get a chance to talk to her before she too is pulled into learning the dance. The next day, Julia finally sits Brenda down to discuss her concerns, only to be told that Branda has been selected to go on a game show called Eighty Questions and will need time to devote to preparing for the show. Julia is relieved that she got off so easily. Mac finally finishes up the work in Dr. Chegley’s office, but instead of thanking him, Chegley tells him how much the whole process tried his patience. Before he leaves, Chegley comes running out of his office to show him that when he turned on the air conditioner, water shot all over his desk. Mac tells him to put in a maintenance call and he will get to it when he can. 4/7/24
  • 046. The Dates of Wrath – 1/13/1970
    • There is an Astrospace employee dinner dance coming up on Sunday, and Paul Cameron tries to get Julia to go with him. She turns him down because she has already committed to go with Ted Newman. Eddie has asked Nurse Yarby to go, but she is offended because he wants her to pay for half of her ticket. Dr. Chegley also needs a dates since his wife will be out of town, so he asks Julia. She suggests that he ask Hannah to go, and she accepts his offer. Ted puts up a huge fight about double-dating with Dr. Chegley and Nurse Yarby, as he doesn’t want to listen to them bickering all night. When he goes to pick Julia up, he finds Corey and Earl J. Waggedorn utilizing one Earl’s inventions: a long rubber tube running to bottle of chocolate milk in the refrigerator to keep the drink cold. As they are leaving, Ted starts in again about not wanting Julia to have to referee between Chegley and Yarby, and also laments the fact that Paul Cameron will be trying to cut in all evening, and he might have to fight him. They decide to skip the dance altogether and head to the beach for a romantic evening of dancing as they wade at sunset. They come home late, and Julia starts to cook Ted some eggs. Marie has left a note for Julia to call Paul, but she ignores it. Eventually, he calls her to tell her that he skipped the dance because he is very sick. She thinks he is trying to trick her to get her to come over, so she ignores him. The next day, Dr. Chegley asks Eddie, who is getting foot treatment after dancing with Nurse Yarby all evening, to deliver some medicine to Paul Cameron. Julia now fees bad that she ignored him and goes over to help him with his medicine. Ted stops by his apartment to bring him a book and finds Julia there as Paul is trying to kiss her hand. Since Paul has ot have his medicine every hour, Julia plans to stop back over there, but Ted volunteers to help him while Julia goes home and fixes eggs. When Ted arrives at Julia’s place, he offers to take her and both boys out for a nice dinner. He says that he owes them because he used their invention of the rubber tube to hook up Paul to be able to take his medicine from bed without getting up every hour. 8/27/24
  • 047. The Jolly Green Midget – 1/20/1970
    • Julia gets tired of hearing Corey tell Earl J. Waggedorn tall tales about UFOs and men from space, especially since she knows that the UFO ended up being a kite. Meanwhile, Dr. Chegley spots Eddie eating some of the office vitamins and reads him the riot act about taking pills in the office that no one has instructed him to do. Corey starts telling Earl and his mother that Corey saw a little green man from Mars in the park. Julia is once again annoyed by his wild story. Back at the office, Chegley catches Eddie stealing some of the vitamins again. Chegley tells Nurse Yarby to lock up the bottle, claiming that he threw away the vitamins and the bottle now contains a potentially dangerous experimental drug. When he starts outlining its many side effects, including itchy teeth, Eddie thinks he feels the symptoms. Chegley sends Eddie to start jogging an golf shoes that are in the repair shop to pick up his to cancel out the side effects. When he returns with the shoes, Eddie tells everyone that he too saw the same little green man that Corey saw. Julia tries to convince that the little green man that he saw, but rather an imaginary friend like he used to have. Chegley borrows Yarby’s car while his is in for repair, and when he returns it, it has a smashed fender. He tells the ladies that he was distracted when he saw a little green man in the car next to him, causing him to become distracted and to crash into a truck. Julia laughs it off, and Yarby is angrier than ever before. That night Dr. Chegley stops by Julia’s apartment and tells her that he wants to prove that he’s not crazy. He brings along a midget dressed like Mongo the Martian (Jerry Maren), who was hired to host of the Outer Space Car Wash in Glendale. Eddie shows up at Julia’s apartment to tell her and Dr. Chegley that he realized that the little green man he saw was actually a green trashcan. However, when he sees Mongo at the apartment, he once again starts jogging to try and recover for his ‘hallucinations’. 7/29/23
  • 048. Sioux Me, Don’t Woo Me – 1/27/1970
    • Julia is planning on hosting the YMCA Indian Guides meeting at her apartment and is planning to have someone stand in as a surrogate father for Corey for the event. Paul Cameron is quick to volunteer, but Julia tells him that she already has someone picked out. In fact, she has three men to choose from, but one-by-one, they all drop out. Dr. Chegley and Nurse Yarby both try and champion Paul, but Julia finds him too pushy. Hannah then suggests that she give another co-worker, Larry Russell (Mel Stewart), a shot. Julia says she doesn’t know him well, but when Eddie overhears all of this, he runs and tells Larry to introduce himself. Larry joins Julia at lunch in the cafeteria and tells her that he’d like to get to know her and volunteers his services. Although Larry has never met Corey, she decides to give him a shot. When Paul sees Julia talking to Larry, he later joins Larry at lunch and tells him that he used to date Julia but had to stop when she wanted to get married and has exceptionally expensive tastes, expecting a costly gift every time he saw her. This indeed scares off Larry, who cancels the date. Paul then swoops in and again offers to act as Corey’s father for the Indian Guides meeting. This time Julia takes him up on it but starts looking for a chaperone for after the kids leave, and Corey goes to bed. Mr. Cooper is unable to come because he has a gin rummy tournament that night, so she turns to Marie. Larry shows up to the Indian Guides event as promised, and they all have a great time, playing games and making music in the Indian Guides tradition. Everyone leaves, and Corey goes to bed, so Paul takes the opportunity to put on some romantic music and dance with Julia. Although she initially rebuffs his advances, she quickly melts into his arms and his romantic kisses. Unfortunately, since she has asked Marie to be a chaperone for them, she comes to the door and wants to chat. Once Julia gets rid of her, Mr. Cooper then shows up and offers to play chess with Paul, causing Paul to ultimately storm out. The next day, Paul shows up at the office to apologize for his hasty exit, but Julia takes the blame for her visitors. The two try to hug and kiss again, but this time they keep getting interrupted by Dr. Chegley and Nurse Yarby going in and out of the office, causing Paul to storm out once again. 8/28/24
  • 049. Charity Begins with Chegley – 2/3/1970
    • When Julia goes to George Washington Carver school to pick up Corey and Earl, she meets their classmate Paco Gomez (Charles Hillary Morteo), who is teaching the boys many Spanish phrases. Julia notices that Paco has a bad cough, so she recommends to Paco’s mother Maria (Anna Maria Majalaca) that she take her to the children’s clinic. She is reluctant because she thinks it will be too expensive, but when Julia tells her that it is only $1.25, Maria then thinks that the health care will be of low quality. Julia tells her that Dr. Chegley works there, so she decides to take Paco. However, as she is checking him in, her husband Emilio (Ruben Moreno) shows up and says that he did not approve Paco coming. He refuses to take the charity, but Julia talks him into providing some gardening work for Dr. Chegley to settle the matter. Chegley isn’t particularly happy about it but understand it may be the only way that Paco can get some help. Maria also agrees to help do some work at the clinic. Unfortunately, things do not work out so well, as Mrs. Gomez proves to be inept at helping Nurse Yarby at the clinic. Likewise, Dr. Chegley shows up to work in a rage because Mr. Gomez has pruned his Anaconda trees and pruning his wife’s tree roses. He tells Julia that she needs to ensure that he doesn’t return to his house. Julia cannot think of anything to tell Mr. Gomez, so she tells him that at the rate he should be charging as a specialist at $8-$10 per hour, he has already paid back Dr. Chegley’s care for Paco, and to do any more would make Dr. Chegley the recipient of charity. Mrs. Gomez calls him selfish for doing this to Dr. Chegley, and the two get into another domestic argument. When Dr. Chegley arrives at work, he tells the nurses that his wife was actually thrilled when the tree roses that were pruned ended up winning first prize as the largest bush roses that the judges have ever seen. When Gomez stops in the office, Dr. Chegley tells him that he would like him to return and do more work in the garden, but Gomez tells him that he will do the work for $8 or $10 per hour. 12/24/24
  • 050. Father of the Bribe – 2/10/1970
    • Corey and Earl run into a group of kids led by the snotty Richard (Richard Steele), who refuses to let the boys play baseball with them. However, when Earl tells Richard the guys that his father is a police officer, they suddenly become interested in meeting Earl’s father and seeing his police officer paraphernalia. As they head off together, they leave Corey behind by himself. He later asks Julia if she thought that if his father was alive, he would show Corey’s friends the helicopter that he operates. Juia later discusses this dilemma with Dr. Chegley, who suggests that the boys might be leaving Corey out because he is black. She does not want to explore that option with Corey yet. Chegley then offers to lend her his microscope, thinking that it might impress the boys back in Corey’s favor. Corey isn’t all that impressed with the microscope himself. Julia tells Dr. Chegley this, so he volunteers to come back to her apartment and show Corey how to appreciate the microscope. Corey has already told Richard the guys about the microscope, and the boys do seem interested in it. Unfortunately, by the time Dr. Chegley arrives at the apartment, he is furious to find out that the boys have taken the microscope apart. Corey says he had no control over what they did, so Dr. Chegley has them all gather around, and he begins to tell them the history of the microscope. The speech goes on and on, and the kids get more and more bored. After they all go home, Dr. Chegley realizes he has struck out, so this time he offers to borrow a friend’s boat and take Corey and one friend out on the lake. He offers this up to Corey and tells him that he can bring a friend. Corey chooses to take Earl J. Waggedorn instead of Richard. When asked about this, Corey tells him that Richard doesn’t have friends, he only likes ‘things’. Later, Dr. Chegley grabs Eddie and tries to get him to listen to his spiel on the history of microscopes. Eddie tries to make an escape, but Chegley catches him and sends him back into his office for more. Keven McCarley is Richard’s friend Tom. 12/25/24

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