The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I also need some money for a treat, said the blonde." - Christi Adkins

zoe3I’ve never been big into collecting stunt people when it comes to celebrity encounters. I certainly don’t want to diminish their roles in helping to create a successful film by any means, but some how they’ve always seemed a little obscure to be paying good money for an autograph. I’ve passed up a good many – even the stunt double for Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Terminator films. Of course the case could be made that the men behind the Friday the 13th Jason masks or the Halloween Michael Myers masks were just stunt men as well. But that ‘s beside the point. 

The real point is that in the past I’ve bypassed getting an autograph with Zoe Bell, who had most famously acted as the stunt woman for ‘The Bride’ (portrayed by Uma Thurman) in the two Kill Bill films. With the nature of that role, I’m sure she was actually on camera quite a bit even if her face wasn’t seen. She went on to stay with director Quentin Tarentino in his next two films Grindhouse and Inglorious Basterds as a stunt woman as well. Additionally she had a small role in Grindhouse.


No doubt she was talented, but it wasn’t until her next role with Tarentino that my interest became especially piqued and I regretted not getting at least a photo with her. Although The Hateful Eight had a very small cast, she was one of them and played an important role as Six-Horse Judy. When I saw how pretty she actually was, I became even more interested. This validated the reason to get her, adding to the fact that she had also portrayed Regina in the TV series Lost, and had played Bloody Holly in the film Whip It.


So when Zoe Bell appeared at the Days of the Dead event in Indianapolis on June 25, 2016, I added her to my very short list of people to get. Not wanting to pour too much money into an encounter with her, I opted only to get a photo with her, which at $20 seemed a bit pricey. But short list equals more lenient on the money. Besides having my arm around this pretty gal made the $20 sting a little more bearable.


She didn’t say anything about the best coffee in the world, but I’m still glad I met her.

Celebrities of the 2016 Indianapolis Days of the Dead will continue…

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