The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?" - Taggart, "Blazing Saddles"

san2.jpgBob’s mother Sandra Lee Chandler passed away last week on Wednesday, November 29 after a lengthy bout with lung cancer. In the end, she was ready to go and made the decision not to prolong her belabored breathing with artificial means. Although I was never what you would call close with Sandy, my family did have occasion to celebrate various holidays and events with her over the years. She was always supportive of Denise and me and made it a point to be involved with our weddings. 

Ashleigh and I attended her services on Saturday, December 2 at the Unity Church of Dayton, where she attended. It was nice to get to know her a bit better from the testimonials of friends and the church pastor. She was very involved and supportive of the church, lending her time to making arts and crafts for a variety church functions.

Following the services, we had a nice lunch at Dave and Sherry’s and looked through old photos, both reminiscing and speculating on who some of the folks in ancient photos in her collection were. She had kept old photos of her great, great grandparents, which would be six generations removed from my step-brother Bryan. Many of them were incredibly ugly, a trait that thankfully, didn’t get passed down.

It was nice to attend the service and get-together that day, especially in support of Bob, who has done so much to support and help us over the years.


Little Sandy

2006 will continue…

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