The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I'm Andrew and I didn't pay for this pear" - Andrew, "Friends"

d14.jpgDenise turned five on Wednesday, April 8, 1981. As usual, I had a hard time dealing with her getting all of the attention even on this momentous occasion – especially when she was allowed to have a birthday party with her friends and cousins. It’s humorous in a way to see me infusing my brand of idiotic humor into the photos of her party, making faces and mugging for the camera whenever possible – but in another way it is indicative of the little cretin that I had become…for no apparent reason.

Still everyone put up with me through my awkward age (which lasted for about the next five years) and we were able to have a nice party for my cute little sister. I’m not sure if the events were held the weekend before or the weekend after her actual birthday, but they almost certainly took place on one or the other. As the photos indicate, she not only had the ‘friend’ party but had another family gathering as well with our extended relatives from the Murphy clan (it was this party where the photo at the top was taken).


The party particpants: on the couch are cousins Susie, Chris, Debbie, me, and Danny; on the floor are church friend Rachel Goff, neighbor Laura Dehait, Denise, next door neighbor Emily Neely, and cousin Ben


Always there to steal the thunder


Debbie and Danny look on as Denise blows out her five candles. This was before Debbie became Debby.


I had no problem joining the younger kids for the cake


Denise digs into her gifts


It seemed like a tradition that at least one kid would bring their gift wrapped in the Sunday funnies


I smugly sit back and watch Denise open up all of her crap gifts


Denise takes out Rachel’s throat when she gets too close to the Memory game


Oh boy. More Strawberry Shortcake madness


And yet more Strawberry Shortcake: a book and record


Laura, Rachel, Denise, Emily, and Danny are having a ball


Denise slips into her new birthday outfit to pose with her new pillow. Can you guess what is on both of them?

As you can see, the permeating child’s fad at the time was Strawberry Shortcake, which of course was something that I hated. I would feel the same way a few years later when Cabbage Patch Kids became all the rage. I guess I just hated everything that Denise liked. With the way I feel about children now, I actually feel somewhat guilty about being the typical mean older brother, but I guess Denise forgives me for it now as I think we get along about as well if not better than most brothers and sisters do.


Denise (in her Strawberry Shorcake belt) lays back amidst another round of gifts. That is unmistakably Grandpa Murphy behind her.


I watch and chew on a bow as she opens up her gifts. Could that be more Strawberry Shortcake stuff…nice and lookin’ well?

Another example of how sweet Denise actually was at the time in juxtaposition to my general grumpiness was on Easter morning, April 19. I specifically remember that she came into my room to get me out of bed, excitedly telling me that the Easter Bunny had brought us each records: The Hobbit for her and a Beatles album for me. I grumpily gave her a ‘yeah yeah yeah’ and then purposely took my time making my way to the dining room to claim my Beatles Raritiesalbum, the Easter Basket of candy, and the chocolote and vanilla bunnies, and then begin our quest on the annual family Easter egg hunt. These were all traditions in my house, which we would complete before heading off to church in the morning. We would then always get together with the Murphy clan that afternoon, usually at Grandma and Grandpa’s during the late 70’s and early 80’s.


Denise on Easter morning. Two bunnies each, one vanilla, one chocolate. We were spoiled.


Lots of loot from the Easter bunny


My new obsession was The Beatles. And the Easter Bunny knew it.

And one more thing that I didn’t like was Denise’s dance classes: ballet and tap. But here are some cute pictures of her as she got ready for one of her dance revues.


Yes, now I can see that this is adorable


Denise tries to bee herself

I know it sounds like I was a miserable kid, the black sheep in an otherwise kind and normal family, but somehow inexplicably these family memories from this time period are really some of the best of my life.

1981 will continue…

3 Responses to “Denise’s Fifth Birthday and Easter of ’81”

  1. We still have that Hobbit record.


  2. Denise was adorable, and you were so mean to her. But she always forgave you and didn’t want you to get in trouble, even after you had just hit her. You were blessed with a sweet sister who remains one of your best friends. I’m so glad you two are as close as you are today!


  3. It took awhile, but, yes I forgive you for “trying” to steal my thunder and for being a big meanie to me all those years! 🙂


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