The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Bean Bag Exchange!" - Brad, second-grade gym class

54aHank Garrett had been on my list of autographs to get for some ten years, starting way back when he first start appearing at collectors shows in the 1990’s. For one reason or another, I never ended up getting his autograph because he either didn’t show up or Bob forgot to pick it up. So I had pencilled him in yet again when he was scheduled to attend the Collectors Show in Chicago on March 21, 2009.

The odd thing about Hank GarrettĀ is that I really didn’t know who he was. He had always been billed as a celebrity from the TV show Car 54, Where Are You? Having loved and seen nearly every single episode of that show (which I’m dying to see released on DVD), I had hoped to add him to my collection. Mr. Garrett had in fact starred as Officer Ed Nicholson in only four episodes of the show.

Although he had made well over fifty appearances in TV shows and films over the years – usually relegated to roles such as bartenders, officers, mayors, or stagehands – I very nearly passed up on purchasing his autograph yet again. With his limited resume, I didn’t feel he had the star power to merit $20 for a signed photo.

However, I changed my mind after chatting with him and finding out that he was donating all of his funds to the disabled veterans. Besides, he was a very nice guy and did have a great scene shot from Car 54, Where Are You? And of course he willingly posed for photos with me. He’s no Joe E. Ross, but I’m still glad to add his autograph to my collection.


Hank Garrett (far right) as he appeared in Car 54, Where Are You?

Autographs and encoutners from the March 2009 Chicago collectors show will continue

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