The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Whoops! I just took the square root of it." - Harely Estin, "Newhart"

Archive for the '1970’s – Early' Category

The Holidays Before the Boy

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

No matter how difficult it is to see just how, my parents did in fact have a short life together before I was born. In fact, they spent two Christmases together before I was even conceived: one as a newly dating couple who had only been together for a couple of months, and one as a married couple who had yet to set the wheels in motion of creating me and forming our family. There is a home movie that exists along with a small batch of photos showing my parents during this holiday. Read the rest of this entry »

A Couple of Birthday Bashes in December ’74

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Both before and after Christmas, my Dad’s family kept busy with not one, but two birthday celebrations in the month of December. My cousin Lora’s birthday is on December 9, so she was celebrating her 9th special day. My guess would be that the little party took place after church on the 8th at her parents’ – Bill and Dottie’s – house. I only have one photo from this gathering and as you can see below, I once again was at the ready with my assistance in blowing out the birthday candles. Read the rest of this entry »

Fall 1974 and My Third Birthday

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

All through the Summer of 1974, my parents had been working on a couple of projects in our back yard. The first was a barn to store our lawnmowers, garden tools, and other items that wouldn’t fit in our (then) single-car garage. He enlisted the aid of his cousin Irene’s husband Virgil Davidson to assist in the construction, with my Uncle Ed helping to put in the flooring. Dad an Virgil worked on this during the day before heading off to work at Brown and Kroger in the evening. No telling how much assistance I lent to the project. When it was done, we had a nice looking white barn that still sits on the property today. Read the rest of this entry »


Sunday, January 31st, 2010

As far as my memory is concerned, Laddy was my first cat. Although we had a fleeting association with another feline, who remained nameless, at our home on John Glenn Road, I have no memory of any cat before Laddy. We’re not quite sure who named Laddy, but I suspect it was my Dad. He was a stray cat that initially hung out across the street at the Ferrenberg’s house, but one he started roaming over to our neck of the woods, we offered him some food, and Brenda Ferrenberg offered him to us. Read the rest of this entry »

Woodland Altars Weekend 1974

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

It is interesting for me to look at the dozen slides that my Dad took during our Summer weekend retreat at Woodland Altars in 1974. I’m not exactly sure what the retreat was for or when it took place, but my guess is that it was around the Fourth of July holiday. Also I am not sure if this was a retreat of the Bear Creek or the Beavercreek Church of the Brethren. When we moved to Beavercreek the year before, we had switched from Bear Creek to Beavercreek, obviously due to the closer proximity. Read the rest of this entry »