The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Grab a brew. Don't cost nothin'" - Bluto, "Animal House"

Archive for the '1970’s – Late' Category

I Meet Mickey

Sunday, November 26th, 2006

dis.jpgThe trip that I took with my family to Florida in 1975 is what I call a ‘lost trip’ – almost completely obliterated from my parents’ memory and photographic records. Each of the vacationers remember small bits and pieces, but no one can conjure up a clear picture of much about this trip. In fact, even the date of the trip comes into debate. If it weren’t for Bill and Dottie, I would have no photos from the trip at all. Despite the cloud of mystery, it remains a very important trip in my life as it was my first visit to Disney World, a theme park that I would become almost obsessed with over the years. This fascination was mostly based on the enthralling nostalgic memories of my first visits to the park. Read the rest of this entry »

Portable Records

Thursday, November 9th, 2006

streak.jpgAs a young chap of three or four, I often carried with me a large black suitcase to many of my destinations. To my Grandma and Grandpa’s house, for instance. I went over there to be babysat a lot and trailing behind me was always the black suitcase. Also my bedroom, our family room, living room, and kitchen on Echo Hill would all be graced with the presence of the black suitcase.   Read the rest of this entry »

1975 and the Rocking Horse

Friday, November 3rd, 2006

rockinghorse.jpgIt’s maddening sometimes to put things from your early life into perspective. Most of the scant memories are fuzzy …and yet particular moments come into view looking crystal clear. The sights and smells overtake you and you can replay that very minute over and over again. But you cannot travel beyond that moment’s borders nor can you turn your head and look in another direction. Read the rest of this entry »

1975 – The Beginning of Time

Friday, October 20th, 2006

75.jpgThe early 1970’s postings are easy because they are just photos and events that were reported to me as having occurred. When you get into this era, it is a challenge to actually dig deep enough to find these memories. When exactly do your memories begin? All of the sudden you just are. Time is tricky enough, then when you mix in your memories that are stored in your imperfect brain, it’s hard to determine what is real and true.

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The Late 1970’s

Friday, September 29th, 2006

70s2.jpgMy secret desire is to time travel. I’d spend some time visiting historic events, ample time at the Hal Roach Studios, and lots of time in the late 1970’s visiting with myself. I have to assume that any real memories I have (except for the fleeting, vague ones of events that I know happened earlier), must have occurred after the start of 1975.

This time period (1975-1979) was the crux of my childhood. This era evokes images of our house on Echo Hill, Kindergarten, my early toys, 45rpm records, Saturday morning cartoons, Read the rest of this entry »