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Archive for the '1990’s – Late' Category

Model Species

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

nhxxxBack in the late 1990’s, I used to subscribe to a magazine called Autograph Collector. Within its pages were recommendations for celebrities who would be nice enough to respond to through-the-mail request for an autograph. (Of course if this magazine had had a larger circulation, the influx of mail that these poor celebs would probably single-handedly change all of that…) One of the celebrities who had been reported to have a high success rate was model/actress Natasha Henstridge. Read the rest of this entry »

Traci Lords

Monday, November 18th, 2013

tlords4At the time that I first met Traci Lords on June 28, 1997, her legacy seemed much more interesting. Her name was well-known as the underage actress who broke into the industry using a fake ID, then eventually going ‘legit’ by appearing in a smattering of films (such as Cry Baby with Johnny Depp), TV sitcoms (Roseanne, Married…with Children, Will & Grace), and dramatic series, (not the least of which was a recurring role on the then-popular Melrose Place).  Read the rest of this entry »

Chuck McCann

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

I guess you could say that Chuck McCann and I go way back. All the way back to July 29, 1980, when he asked me – an eight-year old at the time – to borrow my pen so that he could sign something as he registered for the Sons of the Desert “Hollywood ’80” convention. I knew two things about Chuck at that time: that he had portrayed Oliver Hardy in a series of TV commercials (opposite Jim MacGeorge), and that he had been one of the founding members of the Sons of the Desert (as officially outlined in the Sons Constitution). Read the rest of this entry »

Where’s Waldo…

Thursday, December 8th, 2011

…coming from? Figuring out what made Janet Waldo tick might even be more difficult than finding the other Waldo in a crowd of greedy celebrities.  If you are not familiar with the name Janet Waldo, I can bet that you’ve probably heard her voice at some point in your life. She provided voices for all kinds of cartoons, radio shows, commercials, and even a Disney World ride. Her most famous voice-over was probably for that of Judy Jetson in The Jetsons. She can also be heard in the The Flintstones, Wacky Races, The Perils of Penelope Pitstop, Josie and the Pussycats, The Smurfs, and The Chipmunks – just to name a small handful. Also of personal interest, she did voices on the Laurel and Hardy Cartoon series and The New Adventures of Superman (as Lana Lang). Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: The Adorable Rachel

Saturday, November 12th, 2011

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