Archive for the '2000’s – Early' Category
Protected: Late Summer / Early Fall 2000: Trouble at Home…and Other Assorted Adventures
Monday, September 3rd, 2007The First Annual Cousins Party 2000
Saturday, August 25th, 2007Our first annual cousins party was held on Saturday, June 17, 2000. The fact that it was only held annually for two years doesn’t detract from the excitement generated by our first soiree. My oldest Murphy cousin Cathy had recently held a generic party at her house in Dayton, one she had recently acquired and was anxious to show off. If memory serves me correct, it was during this party, which featured an ample number of cousins already, where the idea was generated to have a get-together exclusive to the Murphy cousins and their spouses and/or better-halves. So that was the genesis of the short-lived series. Thanks to Susan, here are some photos from the spectacle. Read the rest of this entry »