The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"I believe you're getting old...and nutty" - Chief Ramsbottom, "Night Owls"

Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category

California Here I Come – February 2007

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

aaoce3.jpgI decided to throw caution to the wind on the evening of Thursday, February 8, and meet up with my friend Jason Heaton to participate in the tournament of champions trivia contest at MacGillicutty’s in Kettering – despite the ridiculously early flight I had to catch the next morning…and the fact that I was not completely packed (and I had just been to trivia at Cadillac Jack’s the night before). The net result of this is that I only got at most three hours of sleep before I had to get up at 3am and do my last minute packing. Read the rest of this entry »

More Competitions in Myrtle Beach ’06

Saturday, February 17th, 2007

2com4.jpgSo far the score of racking up trophies in Myrtle Beach condo competitions was this: Briana – 2, Brittney- 1, Brad – 1, Ashleigh – 0. Ashleigh wanted to get a trophy, dammit, and there was nothing that was going to stop her. When there was a trivia contest with a trophy going to the winner announced, she even had my Mom take her to the local library to find the answers to a batch of puzzlers about the city of Myrtle Beach. She nearly swept this contest – only missing a half a point – but some other numbskull had turned in the form with all of the correct answers. Read the rest of this entry »

Stone Mountain

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

stone2.jpgAlthough it would not have been my first choice of places to spend our last full day of the 15th International Sons of the Desert Convention, I did enjoy our day at the Stone Mountain amusement park in Atlanta, Georgia. We had nearly had our fill of long bus rides as we boarded yet another one to transport us from Augusta to Georgia. Also on the down side was the fact that Bob had to depart that afternoon for his trip to South Africa and the Wileys opted not to go on the trip since Jimmy was not feeling up to a day in the hot sun. He had braved most of the convention despite undergoing chemotherapy for lymphoma, but understandably sat out this day, and avoided the hot sun. Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: Jennifer Young Again

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

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Mom Through the Years

Friday, February 9th, 2007

mom.jpgToday is my Mom’s 57th birthday. (She’s the little one at left). I won’t be seeing her today to celebrate because we are currently crossing paths in the skies between California and Ohio. I am heading there and she is heading home. Before she left, she had been talking up a blue streak about the trip she had already taken there a few weeks ago, as well as about the preparations and plans for the one she is coming home from now. I’m sure she’ll have lots of stories and tiny details to tell us and everyone else. Denise and I will hear the stories upteen times each and will give each other a knowing glance every time she starts to tell it again. Read the rest of this entry »