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"Mother isn't quite herself today." - Norman Bates, "Psycho"

Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category

The KISS Coffeehouse and Surrounding Events

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

akis.jpgOur first night there, Mom and I had carefully planned out the events for our week in Myrtle Beach. Although the ultimate goal is always to just relax, there are always a number of things we like to do and places we like to visit – and we didn’t want to waste precious time sitting around saying “What do we want to do today?” We decided that Monday would be our day for Broadway at the Beach, a giant shopping and attractions complex. I was especially interested in seeing the KISS Coffeehouse that had recently opened in Myrtle Beach. Read the rest of this entry »

Payne Johnson 2006

Thursday, January 11th, 2007

pig.jpgBabes In Toyland is one of the most treasured of Laurel and Hardy films. The timeless comedy of the boys combines with the sights and sounds of a magical land capable of wow-ing any kid seeing L&H for the first time. Ashleigh used to watch this film over and over again – and I mean like four times in one day. The characters in the film are based on nursery rhymes and children’s stories, and among them are the Three Little Pigs. Most of us had always assumed that these guys were actually all midgets – but the truth of the matter is that two were midgets and one was child actor Payne Johnson. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Trivia Contest

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

triv.jpgContinuing with the Sons of the Desert convention in Georgia…After our long, sweaty day in Harlem and our cool, brisk swim, it was time for the next item on the agenda: the Laurel and Hardy trivia contest. Since I have long prided myself on my L&H triva knowledge, I now enter the contest whenever possible. Beginning in 2000, the contest became a team-of-three effort, whereas beforehand it was a solo competition. I assembled my crack team of buffs the first morning of the convention. Amazingly, although I have been in all four of the team trivia challenges, I have never had a single common teammate. Read the rest of this entry »

2007: Here Comes Another One

Monday, January 1st, 2007

img_0725.jpgHAPPY NEW YEAR! Is it just me or does New Years Eve become less and less eventful year after year? I remember when New Years Eve used to mean an unbridled drunken melee. Not to start off the year on a downer, but I didn’t do anything to celebrate this year. Despite a couple of invitations, I just sat at home and watched TV and engorged myself on crackers, canned cheese, Jose Ole Mexi-Minis (which, by the way, were very disappointing), and ginger ale. Read the rest of this entry »