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"Hey Beaver, let's try smokin' it." - Larry Mondello, "Leave It to Beaver"

Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category

Jenilee Harrison: Pure As Snow

Saturday, November 28th, 2009

jhxOf all of the celebrities whom I have met, I must say that Jenilee Harrison has to be one of the nicest. As a buff of Three’s Company, I was excited to meet the gal who replaced Suzanne Somers in the series, portraying her almost-as-dumb but way-more-clumsy cousin Cindy Snow. She appeared throughout the entire fifth season of the show as the third roommate, but then was relegated to a lesser role in the sixth season having moved out of the apartment to make way for Terri Alden, played by Priscilla Barnes. Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: November Spawned a Monster

Thursday, November 26th, 2009

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A Twist of Lemon

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

meadow2Ever since I was a kid, the whistled version of Sweet Georgia Brown has indicated that the Harlem Globetrotters were coming to town. I can’t say exactly when it was, but I do recall seeing the Globetrotters live at least once and always enjoyed their antics, trick shots, and sense of fun in their exhibition basketball games – which were the hoops version of professional wrestling. Meadowlark Lemon is one of the most famous of the team, having played for them for 22 years and over 16,000 games.  Read the rest of this entry »

Julie McCullough

Sunday, November 22nd, 2009

julie1Of all of the celebrities whom I met at the Hollywood Celebrities Show in Chicago on Sweetest Day, October 17, 2009, Julie McCullough was perhaps the sweetest of them all. Although she is most noted as being the February 1986 Playboy Playmate who was fired from her role on Growing Pains when Kirk Cameron became an evangelical Christian and had her canned, I was most interested in talking to her about something completely different. Her great great uncle (or someone in that proximity of the family tree) was Paul McCullough, one half of the unique 1930’s comedy team Clark and McCullough. Oh, and she was still pretty hot too. Read the rest of this entry »

Holy Cross

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

ad13The Holy Cross Cemetery in Culver City, California, is a very nice Catholic cemetery which houses the final resting place of well over 150 famous Hollywood celebrities. The cemetery, which was founded in 1939, requires that every headstone or marker placed within its borders contains a cross. I had been to the cemetery in the past to check out the grave of Laurel and Hardy co-star Edgar Kennedy, but my visit in the summer of 2009 was by far the most extensive. Read the rest of this entry »