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"You can trust me insipidly." - Oliver Hardy, "Our Relations"

Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category

erin3…And she certainly wasn’t the first. Back in the mid-nineties, I used to hear it on a weekly basis it seemed. Having high public exposure when I worked at Kroger, customers galore would often tell me of my resemblance to Kiefer, some concerned that I might actually be a vampire as he was in The Lost Boys. But the first and only celebrity to date to tell me that I looked like Kiefer Sutherland was Erin Gray when I met her at the Hollywood Collectors Show in California during my Summer visit of 1997. Read the rest of this entry »

Grover Cleveland and Me

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

gro17If I were to ask the average person to tell me everything they knew about President Grover Cleveland, the most common answer would probably be that he was the guy who was President – twice! Yes, Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms, the first being from 1885-89 (the 22nd President) and then from 1893-97 (the 24th President) – confusing everyone up to and including President Barack Obama as to the actual count of the number of Presidents who have served our country. That’s right…one term wasn’t good enough for this guy. Read the rest of this entry »

bucklesDo you have any idea what you might say if you were to meet the very last American survivor of World War 1? Well, I can tell you exactly what I said during my face-to-face encounter with him – and I can tell you that it wasn’t a heck of a lot. Mostly I just sat there and stared in wide-eyed wonderment, basking in the unparalleled honor of meeting Frank Buckles, a 108-year old veteran of the First World War. In the entire world – at this particular time – only five men who had served in this war still survived; and Frank Buckles was the only survivor who served the United States.  Mr. Buckles is and will always be the last American doughboy. Read the rest of this entry »

Beverly Washburn

Saturday, July 4th, 2009

bev1Beverly Washburn is a former child actress who is most noted for her role as Lisbeth Searcy in the 1957 Walt Disney classic Old Yeller (as seen at right). Outside of that film, she had numerous appearances in a wide array of over 50 TV shows and films over a span of nearly twenty years. Among them the initial Superman film Superman and the Mole-Men, Father Knows Best, Leave It To Beaver, Dragnet, The Patty Duke Show, and Star Trek. Her acting work these days is limited but her face still turns up now and then. Read the rest of this entry »

Protected: The Louisville Sluggishness

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

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