Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category
Amsterdam Convention Friday
Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008Since we were in Europe, it was assumed that most of the convention-goers would probably prefer to get out and see the local sites rather than stay around the hotel. But since I was in Europe for a full fifteen days, and was at this point just about to complete my first week, I was looking forward to some standard convention fun without all the hustle and bustle. Friday, July 11, 2008, was the day that felt most like a good old regular Sons of the Desert convention. Read the rest of this entry »
Birthday Boy Adam and the Blustery Day
Saturday, September 20th, 2008On the same day that this website turned two years old, the significantly more important event of my nephew Adam turning two took place. Since September 13 fell on a Saturday, we were able to have a party for him on his actual birthday. Denise and Aaron decided to hold the soiree at my Mom’s place in Franklin, only inviting the immediate family to celebrate. After running some errands – including getting Adam’s gift – I picked up my Grandpa that afternoon around 4:30 and we headed out to the Chandler estate, while I regaled him with the tunes of Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. Read the rest of this entry »
Road Trip Tuesday: From Canton to Pittsburgh
Thursday, September 18th, 2008Bob and I didn’t have to get up too ungodly early on the morning of Tuesday, July 29, 2008. We were staying at the Red Roof Inn in Canton, Ohio and they didn’t serve a continental breakfast, so we were up and on our way by about quarter of nine. Mom would have been disappointed that we chose such a place with no mornin’ eats. The First Ladies Museum didn’t open until 10am, so we had time to make a couple of pit stops on the way. The second one was McDonalds. Read the rest of this entry »
Anthony Munoz and the Associate Manager Outing
Tuesday, September 16th, 2008I don’t talk about work a whole lot on my website, unless it is something dramatically significant – like a job switch or friends who I have made through work. I enjoy my job and am thankful for it, but the day-to-day activities wouldn’t hold much interest to the average reader – and of course, there’s always the risk of saying something stupid and getting fired! But seriously, the second week of September saw a couple of work-related events actually worth reporting. Read the rest of this entry »