The Terrible Catsafterme

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random acts of quoting

"He don't want me. He wants the other monkey." - Stan Laurel, "The Music Box"

Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category

Protected: Thanksgiving ’07 – Here Again

Saturday, November 24th, 2007

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day7.jpgWe were all feeling rather haggard come Wednesday morning, September 26. We had all spent Monday at Disney World and Denise, Aaron, Ashleigh, and I had returned and spent all day Tuesday there too. Mom and Bob babysat Adam all day, so I’m sure they were rather exhausted as well. I didn’t feel too shabby after assisting Aaron with his Epcot around-the-world-drinking spree. He, however, was mighty under the weather. Read the rest of this entry »

d5.jpgThe sad fact was that the trip on which Bob and I had embarked just one full week before had come nearly full-circle and was drawing to a close. We were in the heart of Washington D.C. at the busy Hotel Harrington when we awoke on Saturday morning, August 11. We had just one day left to try and cram in as much as possible in Washington D.C. and the nearby Arlington Cemetery. The temperatures had returned to an acceptable level, but the sun shone brightly above in the early morning hours as we left our hotel. Bob made the three block walk to our rented car while I watched the luggage. We met up and headed toward the National Mall. Read the rest of this entry »

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aa16.jpgAfter Denise, Aaron, Ashleigh, and I finished up with the rides in Future World at Epcot, we headed into the World Showcase area. It was clear from the start that Aaron had only one thing on his mind: having a beer indiginous to every country represented at Epcot. Although I wasn’t willing to spend the money to do it (beers generally run six or seven dollars there), nor did I particularly feel like getting swizzled, I must admit that the idea did appeal to me. It was just one of those challenges or goals that you could say “I did that” after completion. So it all worked out well when Aaron realized that he really couldn’t easily drink 11 beers by himself in the time that it would take to travel this ‘world’. Read the rest of this entry »