The Terrible Catsafterme

Brad's Musings and Meanderings

random acts of quoting

"Hand me that red thing down there." - Crosley Bettering, "Time & Temperature"

Archive for the '2000’s – Late' Category

Protected: October 2007

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

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Disney World ’07: The Disney-MGM Studios

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

mgm8.jpgWe were a bit sluggish on the morning of Tuesday, September 25, 2007. Afterall we had just completed a full journey around The Magic Kingdom the day before. Besides, Denise was feeling crummy. Or maybe I should say crummier. She had had some stomach violations since the start of the trip, but this day appeared to be the worst. Trooper that she was, she pressed on and rode all of the rides during this vomitous affair. Even with all of this in mind, we were able to board our bus at the resort, make the trip there, and get into the park’s front gates by 9:30am. Read the rest of this entry »

Princess Leia

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

leia.jpgWhat can you say about meeting a cast member of the original Star Wars? On Sunday, October 2, 2005, Bob and I returned to the Hollywood Collectors Show for one sole reason: this was the only day that Carrie Fisher would be appearing. Bob opted not to purchase one of her signed photos for the low, low price of just $30.00, so I waited in line with my friend Steve Cox. Steve brought his own blue gelatin pen – perfect for signing dark photos. Read the rest of this entry »

Virginia Thursday: The Charlottesville Area

Monday, October 29th, 2007

1thurs4.jpgAs Bob and I reviewed our plans for Thursday, August 9, during our trip around the great state of Virginia, we realized that they were a bit aggressive. There was so much to do – and all important things, particularly in the Charlottesville area – that we decided to take nearly two days to complete Thursday’s proposed activities and eliminate most of the items from our Friday list. Besides, we were getting nice and exhausted. Read the rest of this entry »

Matt Bohlander

Sunday, October 28th, 2007

matt1.jpgI first met Matt Bohlander at the Church of the Brethren Regional Youth Conference (RYC) held at Manchester College in Indiana during the early part of April 1990. Matt was the youngest of the Bohlander brothers and I had seen him around Camp Woodland Altars several times in the past. His oldest brother Chris was actually a counselor at camp my very first year there in 1981. His brother Brian had been a counselor both of my years at Eco-Adventures, and was actually my counselor the second year. My friend Lee introduced me to Matt and we got to talking about music while stealing away to smoke cigarettes throughout the weekend. Read the rest of this entry »